



美式发音: [kəmˈpænjən] 英式发音: [kəm'pænjən]




复数:companions  搭配同义词

Adj.+n.constant companion,amusing companion,female companion,close companion,inseparable companion



n.1.【船】升降口2.同“companion hatch [head]”3.同“companion ladder [companion way]”4.伙伴,伴侣;朋友5.指南,必读,必携,手册,6.伴生种,伴(细)胞;【天】伴星7.(一对中的)一方8.最下级勋爵9.雇来照料病人[老人]的人1.【船】升降口2.同“companion hatch [head]”3.同“companion ladder [companion way]”4.伙伴,伴侣;朋友5.指南,必读,必携,手册,6.伴生种,伴(细)胞;【天】伴星7.(一对中的)一方8.最下级勋爵9.雇来照料病人[老人]的人


n.1.Same as companion hatch [head]2.Same as companion ladder [companion way]3.someone who is with you; a friend or pet that you spend a lot of time with; someone who is paid to pve or travel with another person4.one of a pair or group of things that are related or can be used together5网站屏蔽ed in the titles of books for showing that they are about a particular subject1.Same as companion hatch [head]2.Same as companion ladder [companion way]3.someone who is with you; a friend or pet that you spend a lot of time with; someone who is paid to pve or travel with another person4.one of a pair or group of things that are related or can be used together5网站屏蔽ed in the titles of books for showing that they are about a particular subject

1.伙伴 comovirus 豇豆花叶病毒组 companions 伴生种 comparative biology 比较动物学 ...

3.伴侣 8、指标犬类“ Pointing Dogs” 10、伴侣犬类Companions” 11、玩具犬类“ Toy Dogs” ...




1.One Saturday night she was in the town looking for her companions as it was time to go home, when she met Alec d'Urberville.一个周六的晚上,她正在镇上寻找同伴儿,因为到该回去的时候了。这时,她遇上了亚历克·德伯。

2.Then some of our companions went to the tomb and found it just as the women had said, but him they did not see.又有我们的几个人往坟墓那里去,所遇见的正如妇女们所说的,只是没有看见他。

3.You were companions of my long dark night, and I make my bow to you, before I bid you good-bye, my fetters.你是我漫漫长夜中的伴侣,在我向你告别之前,容我向你顶礼,我的镣铐。

4.Formerly cautious to the point of being uncommunicative, my companions had changed out of recognition.我们的同伴们过去谨小慎微得几乎不开口说话,可现在他们变得判若他人了。

5.He immediately proceeded to dogmatically expound his views and that of his two companions regarding the punishment of the wicked.他立即独断地解说自己和其他两个同伴,关于恶人要受惩罚的观点。

6.It was easy to see, from his beaming face, that he had got among congenial companions.从他愉快的笑容里不难看出,他已经交上了志趣相投的朋友。

7.As Marcus instructs his companions to leave, an elderly woman (Jane Alexander) insists they stay long enough to feed the girl.随着马库斯指示同伴离开,一名老年妇女(简亚历山大)坚持他们多留一段日子,饲料女孩。

8.He did not hear his companions call to him, and did not go back with them to seek a shelter against the heat of the day.他的朋友叫他,他甚至也没听到,他也不跟他们一起回去找个地方避避暑。

9.That looks rather serious, he said, calmly, to his companions, a cold, commanding force coming into his eyes and voice.情况看上去相当严重,他镇静地对他的同伴说,他的眼光和语声里表现着冷静的,气势逼人的力量。

10.The sounds of thunder and pghtning faded away as the alchemist and his dead companions disappeared into the dark night.随着巫师和僵尸仆从消失在夜幕中,雷鸣和闪电也一并消逝。