


美式发音: [ˈænɪmeɪtɪd] 英式发音: [ˈænɪˌmeɪtɪd]








1.兴致勃勃的;活跃的;生气勃勃的full of interest and energy

an animated discussion/conversation热烈的讨论;兴致勃勃的交谈

Her face suddenly became animated.她的表情突然变得生动起来。

2.栩栩如生的;(似)能活动的made to look as if they are moving

animated cartoons/graphics/models动画片;活动图形╱模型

adj.1.有生气的; 活跃的; 热烈的; 兴致勃勃的2.动画(片)的


adj.1.pvely or active2.an animated movie or cartoon consists of a series of drawings that are shown quickly one after another so that they look as if they are moving

v.1.past tense and past participle of animate

1.动画 Animate 动画 Animated 动画 Animated Mesh 动画网格 ...

2.栩栩如生的 animal n. 动物 animated a. 栩栩如生的;生 气勃勃的;被赋予生命的 Anne Peters 安妮·彼得 斯(人 …

3.动画的 alternatively alternatively analysis 分析 animated 动画的 Animated Tour 动画演示 ...

4.活跃的 concern 关心,关切 animated 活跃的,欢快的 facial expression 面部表情 ...

5.有生气的 angle n. 角度 animated adj. 有生气的,热烈的 annex v. 附加n.附件 ...

6.热烈的 angle n. 角度 animated adj. 有生气的,热烈的 annex v. 附加n.附件 ...

7.活生生的 animated cartoon 卡通片 animated 活生生的 animatedly 活生生地 ...

8.活泼的 anhydrous 无水的 animated 活泼的,生动的 animosity 憎恶,仇恨 ...


1.He paused and gazed upon that animated scene with folded arms, and a bitter smile upon his dark features.他停了下来,抱着双臂,凝望着活跃的场面。在他阴暗的脸上浮起一丝妒忌的微笑。

2.Instead, when she came into sight, he saw that she was engaged in an animated conversation with a vaguely famipar older woman. . .但当他看见她时,却发现她正同一名妇人热烈交谈,这妇人依稀有些面熟…

3.Disney's animated movies have gripped the imaginations of every generation since the release of Snow White and the Seven Dwarves in 1937.从1973发行《白雪公主和七个小矮人》以来,迪斯尼的动画电影吸引了每一代人的想象力。

4.This action is often indicated by an animated graphic such as a spinner, or by a phrase such as "Loading. . . " or "Saving. . . "此动作常常通过动态图片指示,比如一个旋转指针,或者通过短语“Loading…”或“Saving…”指示。

5.How much has animated film changed?动画影片改变多大?

6.This was one of the questions that animated the Frankfurt School and those who influenced it.这个问题如同很多其它问题一样,不断激励法兰克福学派和那些影响法兰克福学派的人思考。

7.Eventually , there will be a time when the presence of the HIGHER self is present within the animated Being as a matter of course.最终,会有一个时刻,那时更高自我的出现将理所当然的随着活生生的存在而表达出来。

8.It has a history, whereas America is still making history, animated by an eschatological tension toward the future.当美国还被面向未来的末世紧张情绪促使着创造历史的时候,欧洲已经有了自己的历史。

9.Eric noticed that although her rids showed through a dull coat, her eyes were bright and animated. Finally, he shrugged his shoulders.埃里克注意到,虽然小狗瘦骨伶仃,全身的毛没有光泽,但那双眼睛却明亮而又充满活力。

10.Utensils of any kind are also expressly forbidden, even when held by an animated character.任何类型的厨房用具都明确地被禁止在广告中出现,即使是由一个卡通人物拿着。