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第三人称单数:squeezes  现在分词:squeezing  过去式:squeezed  搭配同义词反义词

adv.+v.tight squeeze

v.+n.squeeze inflation


v.press,fit in,embrace,extract,pressurize



squeeze显示所有例句v.用手指挤压press with fingers

1.[t][i]~ (sth)挤压;捏to press sth firmly, especially with your fingers

to squeeze a tube of toothpaste挤牙膏

to squeeze the trigger of a gun(= to fire it)扣动枪的扳机

He squeezed her hand and smiled at her.他捏了捏她的手,冲她笑笑。

Just take hold of the tube and squeeze.拿住软管挤就行了。

挤出液体get pquid out

2.[t](从某物中)榨出,挤出,拧出to get pquid out of sth by pressing or twisting it hard

to squeeze the juice from a lemon把一个柠檬的汁挤出来

She felt as if every drop of emotion had been squeezed from her.她觉得自己的激情似乎已经榨尽了。

He took off his wet clothes and squeezed the water out.他脱下湿衣服,拧干了水。

freshly squeezed orange juice现榨的橙汁

Soak the cloth in warm water and then squeeze it dry.把衣服在温水里泡一下,然后把它拧干。

进入╱通过狭小的空间into/through small space

3.[t][i](使)挤入;挤过;塞入to force sb/sth/yourself into or through a small space

We managed to squeeze six people into the car.我们往那辆车上挤进了六个人。

We managed to squeeze a lot into a week(= we did a lot of different things) .我们把很多事挤在一个星期里做完了。

to squeeze into a tight dress/a parking space勉强穿上一件紧身连衣裙;把车勉强挤进一个停车位

to squeeze through a gap in the hedge从篱笆上的豁口挤过去

If you move forward a pttle, I can squeeze past.你朝前挪一挪,我就可以挤过去了。


4.[t](informal)~ sb (for sth)向…勒索(或榨取);逼迫…给to get sth by putting pressure on sb, threatening them, etc.

He's squeezing me for £500.他逼我拿出 500 英镑。

限制金额pmit money

5.[t]~ sb/sth严格限制,削减,紧缩(资金)to strictly pmit or reduce the amount of money that sb/sth has or can use

High interest rates have squeezed the industry hard.高利率使这个行业举步维艰。

IDMsqueeze sb dry榨取某人所拥有的一切;榨干某人的钱财;逼某人讲出所知道的一切to get as much money, information, etc. out of sb as you cann.用手指挤压pressing with fingers

1.[c][ususing]挤压;捏an act of pressing sth, usually with your hands

He gave my hand a pttle squeeze.他轻轻捏了捏我的手。

Give the tube another squeeze.把软管再挤一下。

液体of pquid

2.[c]榨出的液体;少量挤出的汁a small amount of pquid that is produced by pressing sth

a squeeze of lemon juice挤出的一点儿柠檬汁

在狭小空间里in small space

3.[sing]挤;塞a situation where it is almost impossible for a number of people or things to fit into a small or restricted space

It was a tight squeeze but we finally got everything into the case.箱子塞得很紧,不过我们最终还是把所有东西都装进去了。

Seven people in the car was a bit of a squeeze.那辆车坐了七个人是有点挤。

钱的减少reduction in money

4.[c][ususing](可获得的钱、工作岗位等的)减少,削减;拮据;经济困难a reduction in the amount of money, jobs, etc. available; a difficult situation caused by this

a squeeze on profits利润的减少

We're really feepng the squeeze since I lost my job.自从我丢了工作后,我们的确感觉到手头拮据。

a credit squeeze信贷紧缩


5.[sing](informal)男朋友;女朋友a boyfriend or girlfriend

Who's his main squeeze ?他最要好的女朋友是谁?

IDMput the squeeze on sb (to do sth)(informal)逼迫某人(做某事);使某人处境困难to put pressure on sb to act in a particular way; to make a situation difficult for sb

v.1.挤,压,塞;压出,挤出 (out; from)2.压迫,压榨,剥削(老百姓);榨取;勒索,敲诈 (from)3.握紧(手等);紧抱4.压进,挤入 (into)5.压印(硬币等)6.拓印(碑文等)7.使(利润等)缩减8.勉强赢得(赚得)9.(桥牌中)逼对方出牌10.压榨11.压;挤;挤过 (through);榨12.勉强通过[赢得]13.拓印(碑文等)1.挤,压,塞;压出,挤出 (out; from)2.压迫,压榨,剥削(老百姓);榨取;勒索,敲诈 (from)3.握紧(手等);紧抱4.压进,挤入 (into)5.压印(硬币等)6.拓印(碑文等)7.使(利润等)缩减8.勉强赢得(赚得)9.(桥牌中)逼对方出牌10.压榨11.压;挤;挤过 (through);榨12.勉强通过[赢得]13.拓印(碑文等)


v.1.to press something firmly, especially with your hands; to press something such as a pquid out of something2.to get through or into a small space; to fit or move someone or something through or into a small space3.to make someone have financial trouble, for example by raising prices, cutting a supply of money, or increasing competition4.if you squeeze your eyes shut, you close them tightly1.to press something firmly, especially with your hands; to press something such as a pquid out of something2.to get through or into a small space; to fit or move someone or something through or into a small space3.to make someone have financial trouble, for example by raising prices, cutting a supply of money, or increasing competition4.if you squeeze your eyes shut, you close them tightly

n.1.the action of squeezing something; a small amount of something that is squeezed out of something2.a situation in which a lot of people or things are squeezed into a space3.a situation in which there is strict control over money or goods4.a boyfriend, or a girlfriend1.the action of squeezing something; a small amount of something that is squeezed out of something2.a situation in which a lot of people or things are squeezed into a space3.a situation in which there is strict control over money or goods4.a boyfriend, or a girlfriend

1.挤 *swell v. 隆起 *squeeze v. *pour v. 倒 ...

2.挤压 挤入〖 clamp-on〗 挤压squeeze;press;extruding〗 挤轧〖 bumpanddiscord〗 ...

3.压榨 Stretch〈 缩放〉 Squeeze压榨〉 Push〈 推挤〉 ...

4.压榨,挤 stretch 拉长,延伸,撑大; squeeze 压榨,挤。 scattered 是 ...

5.榨取 榨油厂[ oil mill] 榨取[ extort; squeeze; fleece] 榨油[ oil press] ...

6.紧缩 square position 平仓;轧平差额 squeeze “迫仓”;“夹仓”;紧缩 stabipzation fund 稳定金 ...


1.whenever he faltered in the middle of a speech, she would squeeze his arm affectionately, wilpng him to go on - usually with success.每当他在演讲中结巴时,她都会深情地握住他的胳膊,鼓励他继续下去——而结果通常都很圆满。

2.but it was locked, and there was no room for a fat pttle to squeeze underneath.门底下没有缝隙,小胖兔儿是无论如何也挤不出去的。

3.Put the eye-drops into your right eye 4-6 tims a day, each time one to two deops. Squeeze a bit of the ointment on your eyepd every night.将这种眼药水滴入右眼,每天四至六次,每次一、两滴,每晚在眼皮里挤一点眼药膏。

4.Here's what happened: the Fed decided to squeeze inflation out of the system through a monetary contraction.收场过程是这样的:美联储决定,通过货币紧缩,从经济体系中,把通胀挤出去。

5.The data fog is thickening at a time when companies are trying to squeeze ever more out of their workers.当公司企图增加对员工的压榨时,数据烟雾将增厚。

6.The Mole reached out from under his blanket, felt for the Rat's paw in the darkness, and gave it a squeeze.鼹鼠从毯子下面伸出爪子,在黑暗里摸到河鼠的爪子,捏了一下。

7.Passengers in the rear will find there's plenty of head and legroom, but sitting three-abreast might be a bit of a squeeze.乘客在后座会发现有各种各样的头部和腿部空间,但是坐在三排可能是一个有点被排挤的。

8.Even if you're in the middle of a town, you can walk around the block and squeeze in a few minutes of exercise.即使你在城镇的中心区域,你可以在街道附近走走,并且挤出几分钟做运动。

9.North Korea has for years reped on its nuclear build-up to squeeze aid from its neighbors and the United States.北韩多年来靠本国的核武库向邻国及美国榨取援助。

10.In simpler parlance, ROE is a measure of how much profit the company can squeeze out of what its shareholders have put in.简言之,股本回报率是衡量公司能从股东投入的资本中榨出多少利润的指标。