




1.自然景观 人文景观 cultural scenery 自然景观 natural scenery 园林 landscape garden ...

2.自然风光 13 diy tour 自助旅游 14 natural scenery 自然风光 15 city sightseeing 城市漫 …

3.自然风景 Repcs 遗迹 natural scenery 自然风景 natural preserve 自然保护 ...

4.自然景色 ... 1.旅游资源 tourist resources 2.自然景色 natural scenery 3.人工风景 manmade landscape ...

5.自然美景 ... Touring Around 旅途印象 Natural Scenery 自然美景 Places of Historical Interests 名胜古迹 ...

6.自然风光实景 ... Europe street 欧美时尚街区 Natural scenery 自然风光实景 korea scenery 韩式简欧实景 ...

7.自然地景 自然地景 natural landscape 自然地景 natural scenery ...

8.自然风光英文翻译 捕鱼英语[ Fishing] 自然风光英文翻译[ Natural Scenery] 动物名称英文翻译[ Animals] ...


1.The tranquil environment of Peng Chau with its diversified ecology makes it a popular destination for lovers of natural scenery.该岛拥有宁静的环境及多样化的自然生态,是喜爱大自然的游客常到的地方。

2.The City of Haikou is located at the tropical beach area, with a diversified variety of tropical resources and a coastal natural scenery.海口市处于热带滨海,热带资源呈现多样性,富于海滨自然特色风光景观。

3.Canada is one of the largest countries in the world, second only to Russia, and has always been famous for its fantastic natural scenery.加拿大是世界是最大的国家之一,国土面积仅次于俄罗斯,加拿大素来以其绚丽的自然风光闻名于世。

4.The unique natural scenery of that area attracts touristsfrom all over the world every year.那个地区独特的自然风景每年吸引了来自世界各地的游客。

5.I think, the natural scenery observation abipty, is what I learn it from one of the greatest pleasures.我以为,这种对自然景色观察能力的提高,便是我从学画中得来的最大乐趣之一。

6.The motorist enjoys an unobstructed view of the natural scenery as he drives across the bridge.汽车驾驶员在开车过桥时,可以一览无余地观赏自然风光。

7.Emei beautiful natural scenery, a good environment to make it become the base for exploring spot, Qiuxian monastic ideal of the premises.峨眉山优美的自然景观、良好的生态环境使它成为人们探奇揽胜、求仙修道的理想处所。

8.I would suggest we enjoy some natural scenery in Guipn . Though it would be a long journey there , we can always play cards on the train .我建议去桂林欣赏自然风光。虽然路途会远一些,但是我们可以在火车上打牌啊。

9.Jinan, beautiful natural scenery, ancient times known as the "Springs" is laudatory.济南自然风光秀丽,自古素有“泉城”之美称。

10.Decorative materials, through color, texture to show blue sky, white clouds, the sea into the corresponding items of the natural scenery.通过装饰材料颜色、质感表现出蓝天、白云、大海相应成趣的自然景色。