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un.1.塞佛留(Lucius Septimius,146—211,罗马皇帝,在位期间193—211)

1.塞维鲁股新的逼迫热潮,当时的政权与基督教会间的斗争激烈,塞佛留斯Severus)在位时,即公元一九五至二○○及二○八至二一 …

6.塞维鲁-选自古代卷 Seven years’war, 七年战争 Severus 塞维鲁-选自古代卷 Seville 塞维利亚 ...


1.Lily walked in silence for a while. Severus knew she had not thought about this.莉莉一声不吭地走了一会儿。西弗勒斯知道她肯定没想过这事。

2."I guess that the Dark Lord was rather pleased with her? " asked Severus.“我猜黑魔王一定对她非常满意了?”西弗勒斯问道。

3.Yes, Severus. I, I think you are the only one who can help me, I have nowhere else to turn. Lucius is in jail and .是的,西弗勒斯。我——我想,也只有你能够帮助我了,我现在是走投无路了。卢修斯在监狱里,而且……

4.Had I seen you, I would have come out, Severus, really. It was such a long time; I started to bepeve I had dreamt it all.如果我看见你的话我一定会出来的,真的,西弗勒斯。真是隔了太长时间了,我都开始怀疑自己是不是在做梦了。

5."Severus, " she said in a strained whisper. "May I speak to you? It's urgent. "“西弗勒斯,”她紧张地小声说。“我能和你谈谈吗?这十分紧急。”

6.'I know, it seems far away now, Severus, but psten, lets enjoy the rest of the hopdays, - there's still a few days left.我知道那听起来很遥远,听着西弗勒斯,咱们抓紧时间享受这个假期剩下的时光吧,还有好几天呢。

7.Black you were unaware of the friendship Severus and Remus seemed to have formed.这么看来布莱克先生你并不了解西弗勒斯和莱姆斯看起来已经建立的友谊。

8.Lucius Malfoy and Severus Snape sat at one of the front tables near the stage.卢修斯·马尔福和西弗勒斯·斯内普坐在前排一张靠近舞台的桌子旁。

9.Will you, Severus, watch over my son, Draco, as he attempts to fulfill the Dark Lord's wishes?纳西莎说话了:“西弗勒斯,在我儿子德拉科试图完成黑魔王的意愿时,你愿意照看他吗?”

10.But it is of you that I wished to speak, Severus, not Harry Potter.不过现在我想跟你谈的是你,西弗勒斯,不是哈利。