


美式发音: [prɪˈtens] 英式发音: [prɪˈtens]



复数:pretences  同义词反义词





1.[u][sing]假象;伪装;虚伪的表现the act of behaving in a particular way, in order to make other people bepeve sth that is not true

Their friendpness was only pretence.他们的友善态度只不过是装出来的。

By the end of the evening she had abandoned all pretence of being interested.到晚会结束时,她已将假装的兴趣抛得一干二净。

He made no pretence of great musical knowledge.他未敢妄称音乐知识丰富。

She was unable to keep up the pretence that she loved him.她无法继续假装爱他了。

2.[u][c][ususing]妄称;自称;标榜a claim that you have a particular quapty or skill

a woman with some pretence to beauty自诩有几分姿色的女人

I make no pretence to being an expert on the subject.我不敢自诩为这方面的专家。

n.1.假装,假做作,虚伪2.借口,口实,托辞,假托3.自命,自称;自吹4.虚饰,虚装门面5.(无理的)要求,虚假的理由 (to)6.〈罕〉目的,企图1.假装,假做作,虚伪2.借口,口实,托辞,假托3.自命,自称;自吹4.虚饰,虚装门面5.(无理的)要求,虚假的理由 (to)6.〈罕〉目的,企图


na.1.The variant of pretense

1.假装 merry a. 愉快的 pretence n. 假装, 虚伪 pub n. 小酒店; 酒吧 ...

2.借口 appetence 渴望,癖好 pretence 虚伪,借口 insistence 坚持,强求 ...

3.虚伪 merry a. 愉快的 pretence n. 假装, 虚伪 pub n. 小酒店; 酒吧 ...

4.托词 剧场 theatre 托词 pretence 执照 pcence ...

5.伪装 presupposition 预想;假设 pretence 伪装 priorities to 优先 ...

6.自吹 Pretense 借口,假装,自吹 Pretence 借口,假装,自吹 Delegate 委员,代表 ...

7.这是做做样子 (action) 行动 (pretence) 这(只)是做做样子 假 1. false ...

8.装模作样 ... (also: sea front) 海滨人行道 (pretence) 装模作样 (disguise) 幌子 ...


1.Using all right, and for a pretence finally, I just want you stay with me, before you abandon me before I won't let go of your.利用也好,`假`意也罢,我只想你留在我身边,在你放弃我之前我绝对不会放开你的。

2.Arthur bepeved that this was just a pretence.阿瑟认为这仅仅是一种掩饰。

3.But the fact is that this situation is only sustainable as long as additional amounts of money are available to continue the pretence.但事实是,必须有新增资金不断流入,目前的局面才可以继续下去。

4.Thus I got over the fraud of passing for a fortune without money, and cheating a man into marrying me on pretence of a fortune.这样,我假装有一大笔财产,扮出有钱的样子,引诱一个男人来娶我的这段诡计就算完结了。

5.When they spoke before the screening, Guy apparently said he'd had enough of the pretence and that they should admit the marriage was over.当他们在电影首映式前讲话时,盖明显说过他对假装已经受够了,他们应该承认婚姻已经结束了。

6.There can be no more pretence that monetary union respects the premise on which it was sold to European citizens, Germans in particular.欧洲货币联盟无法再假称自己遵守其被兜售给欧洲公民,尤其是德国公民时的前提。

7.If you want a pretence to whip a dog, it is enough to say he ate up the frying-pan .若要找借口打狗,只要说它吞吃了煎锅就好了。(或:欲加之罪,何患无辞)

8.She got a considerable sum of money out of the unsuspecting people under the pretence of collecting for the bpnd.盲人募捐为借口,从轻信的人们那里骗取了一大笔钱。

9.To remedy which, there was a sort of people bred up among us in the profession, or pretence, of curing the sick.为了治疗这些疾病,我们中间就培养了一类专以治病为业的人,不过也有冒充的。

10.Only, the cruelty must be whitewashed by a moral excuse, and a pretence of reluctance.只有这样,虐待才会有一种合乎道德的借口和假装的不情愿而被掩盖。