


美式发音: [deɪˈtɑːnt] 英式发音: [deɪˈtɒnt]






n.1.détente, a situation in which countries that have had an unfriendly relationship became more friendly

1.缓和 dilettante 半瓶醋,业余爱好者 detente (国际关系等的)缓和 conte (极短的)短故事 ...

2.迪丹特 ... 交涉 talks;conferences;negotiation 紧张缓和 detente;relaxation of tension 经济报复 economic retapation ...

4.和解 ... the laws of science 科学规律 detente (法)紧张关系的缓和 wind down the Vietnam War (逐渐)结束了越战 ...



1.He also stressed there was no sign of a detente from Pyongyang while Kim Jong-eun, the third son of Kim Jong-il, was being styled for power.他还强调称,朝鲜确定金正日的三儿子金正恩(KimJong-eun)为接班人后,平壤方面没有任何缓和迹象。

2.He said a key obstacle also includes the patriotic church, which would lose power under any detente with the Vatican.他说,一个关键的障碍还包括爱国教会,如果北京与梵蒂冈的关系出现任何缓和,他们就会失势。

3.Foreign affairs used to be the business of the pro-detente foreign ministry.过去,外交事务由倾向缓和国际关系的外交部负责,外交部被嘲弄成“卖国部”。

4.The historic meeting was a sign of detente in one of Asia's longest-running disputes.该历史性会唔表明这场亚洲持续时间最长之一的纷争有缓和迹象。

5.The obsession with Soviet intentions causes the West to be smug during periods of detente and panicky during crisis.由于对苏联的意图纠缠不清,使得西方在缓和时期沾沾自喜,在危机时期又惊慌失措。

6.After six decades of gunboat diplomacy, any detente is to be welcomed.经历了60载的炮舰外交后,两岸关系任何形式的缓和都是值得欢迎的。

7.He made 10 visits to secret Chinese nuclear facipties during a period of detente and information exchange from 1990 to 2001.1990年到2001年,在双边政策有所缓和、信息交流之时,他曾十度秘密参观中国核设施。

8.An effective world disarmament treaty should bring a detente in international tensions.一个有效的世界裁军条约应该带着缓和国际紧张局势。

9.That visit was the most concrete step in the KMT-led detente with China.此次访问是国民党主导的与中国大陆缓和的最具体举措。

10.Remarkably, this detente - weaved with fine words rather than built with concrete actions - has held, and even flourished.引人瞩目的是,两国保持了这种缓和关系——建立在漂亮话而不是具体措施的基础上——甚至还有所发展。