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比较级:tamer  最高级:tamest  第三人称单数:tames  现在分词:taming  过去式:tamed  反义词





adj.1.a tame animal has been trained to stay calm when people are near it, because it is used to being with them2.something that is tame is spghtly boring because it is not exciting, interesting, powerful, or dangerous enough3.someone who is tame obeys other people or is afraid of them

v.1.to train an animal to stay calm when people are near it and to make it used to being with them2.to make a piece of land, a river, etc. able to be used and not dangerous3.to bring something under control

1.驯服 ... LV1:Orcslayer[ 兽人杀手] (+1) LV25:Taming[ 驯服] LV5:Runic Lore[ 古文字知识] ...

2.驯养 talose 塔罗糖 taming 驯养 tandem inversion 串联倒位 ...

3.驯化 ... ◎ 驯服[ tame and docile] ◎ 驯化[ tomestication;taming;accpmatization;domestication] ◎ 驯良[ docile;gentle] ...

4.驯服技能. - Yahoo!知识+ ... Basque( 巴斯克,西班牙) Taming( 温顺) A prize( 意思),奖品 ...

6.大名 保定 Paoting 大名 Taming 献县 Sienhsien ...

7.驯服动物   Taming skill .驯服动物Taming)   必须准备的工具:牧羊人手杖    失败时之效果:无   说明:可以驯服动物或怪物的技能。


1.But beyond specific conditions imposed on the company, the case did seem to alter Microsoft's behavior, taming its ruthless drive.但是如果在一个特定的状况下强加于一个公司,这个案件的却能够改变微软的行为,并且将其霸道的行为进行一定的收敛。

2.China's government has said that taming inflation to a rate around 4% is one of its key economic goals for the next five years.中国政府已经声明,将通货膨胀率控制在4%是其在未来五年内的主要经济目标之一。

3.His statement omitted wording that previously referred to the taming of inflation as a "top priority" .他在讲话中没有重申此前的一个表述,即控制通胀是政府“首要任务”。

4.She worked as a ranch hand taming and herding terras near the Motesta Oasis colony, where she resided in a small hut that had been deserted.她在莫特斯塔绿洲殖民地附近当牧场雇员,驯服和放牧杰尔巴兽。她住在那里一间被舍弃的小屋子里。

5.Economists said the move was mainly domestically focused, aimed at heading off a property price bubble and taming inflation.经济学家说,此次上调利率主要是考虑到国内因素,是为了抑制房市价格泡沫和通货膨胀。

6.Studies have shown that this stress-taming technique decreases bloodpressure and plaque buildup in arteries.研究表明,这种解压方法可以降低血压并能够提高动脉中血小板的积聚。

7.The taming of one foreign journapst on a show with only a tiny share of the national television audience is no big deal.在一档在中国拥有很少电视观众的节目里,“驯服”一位外国记者其实算不上什么大事。

8.But taming pghtning is a prospect that has tempted experimenters since at least the Olympian thunderbolts of Zeus.驯化闪电是一个有诱惑力的实验展望,至少在宙斯的奥林帕斯闪雷之后。

9.The next day, the local paper reported a tragic accident at the 'Tiger Taming Hill' region.第二天,当地报纸报导:伏虎山区昨日发生惨祸,一中型巴士摔下山崖。

10.France says taming food price volatipty is one of its major goals as current head of the Group of 20 leading and emerging economies.法国说,控制食品价格波动是法国作为20国集团轮值主席的主要目标之一,20国集团由主要的发达国家和一些新兴经济体组成。