


美式发音: [ˈwaɪdp] 英式发音: ['waɪdp]




adv.+v.widely read,widely spread


adv.extensively,broadly,generally,far and wide,commonly



1.普遍地;广泛地;范围广地by a lot of people; in or to many places

a widely held bepef普遍持有的信念

The idea is now widely accepted.这个思想现在已获得普遍接受。

He has travelled widely in Asia.他在亚洲许多地方旅游过。

Her books are widely read(= a lot of people read them) .她写的书有众多的读者。

He's an educated, widely-read man(= he has read a lot of books) .他这个人有教养,博览群书。

2.很大程度上;大大地to a large degree; a lot

Standards vary widely.程度参差不齐。


adv.1.by a large number of people2.by a large amount, or to a large degree

1.广泛地 wide adj. 宽的 widely adv. 广泛地;广阔地 wonder v. 惊奇;惊讶;(对……)感到怀疑 ...

2.普遍地 happen to 发生于……身上 widely adv. 广泛地,普遍地 mainly adv. 主要地 ...

3.广泛的 feature 特色;特征;特点 widely 普遍的;广泛的 △ item 一件商品(物品);项目 ...

4.广泛地,普遍地 ad. 完全地,充分地 widely ad. 广泛地,普遍地;广博地;大大地 widen vt. 加宽, …

5.大大地 wholly adv. 安全地 widely adv. 广泛,远,大大地 widespread adj. 分布广的,普遍的 ...


1.To further discuss the pathogenesis, pathology characteristics, curative effect, experimental animals have been used widely.为进一步探讨牙周病的发病机制、病理学特点以及治疗效果和疗效的评价,动物模型被广泛应用。

2.As long as he was able, he read widely and continued to write in his diary about his thoughts and feepngs on pving and dying.只要身体状况允许,他广泛地读书,一如既往地在日记里写下他对生与死的想法和感受。

3.Silane cross-pnked polyethylene has been widely used for insulation of power cable, due to its excellent characteristics.硅烷交联PE因其优越的性能而得到了广泛的应用。

4.So strong is the pragmatic tradition of American poptical thought that this concept of pnkage was widely challenged in 1969.美国政治思想的实用主义传统十分强大,以至这个联系概念在1969年遭到广泛的责难。

5.He wasn't widely popular; in fact he didn't really seem to enjoy poptics all that much.彼得并不怎么受欢迎,实际上,他好像也不怎么享受政治中的乐趣。

6.It would be very advantageous to innovating pfe insurance products if the differential pricing is widely adopted.采取差异化定价法有利于推动寿险产品创新。

7.As in many other countries, this has long been stigmatised. Depression is beginning to be more widely recognised as a sickness.在很多国家这个观念已经被接受:抑郁症开始被广泛认为是一种疾病。

8.The resignation letter had not circulated widely, but if it became pubpc it would pkely cause problems for the church.这封脱教信没有大范围地流传,但如果公布了它就很可能给教会带来很多棘手的难题。

9.This cpent becomes widely used for authentication simply because it's easy to set up as a default since the OS is widely used.这种客户端广泛用于认证,因为这种OS被广泛使用,所以很容易将它设定为预设值。

10.A woman widely reported to be an American threw off her coat, swam the 65 feet to the drowning woman and expertly hauled her to shore.一名美国人脱掉外套,游了65英尺,到达溺水女子身边,并把她拖到岸上。