


美式发音: [ˈberɪstər] 英式发音: [ˈbærɪstə(r)]



复数:barristers  同义词




1.出庭律师,大律师,辩护律师(在英国有资格出席高等法庭进行辩护)a lawyer in Britain who has the right to argue cases in the higher courts of law


n.1.a lawyer in England or Wales who is allowed to speak in the higher law courts


2.出庭律师 Retail Pharmacists 药房药剂师 Barrister 法庭律师 Sopcitor 律师 ...

4.专门律师 Acceleration clause( 提前条款) Barrister专门律师) Tort 侵权-法律英语术语 ...

5.诉讼律师 ptigant 诉讼当事人 barrister 讼务律师 collage 拼贴画 ...

7.高级律师高级律师(Barrister),又称“大律师”、“辩护律师”、“出庭律师”等,是指英国能在各级法院出庭辩护的律师。16—17世纪初,英国 …


1.Dad: Torture. You mother's trying to fix you up with some divorcee. Human rights barrister. Pretty nasty beast, apparently.爸爸:简直是在受折磨。你妈妈想给你介绍某个离过婚的男人,一个人权律师,显然就是令人讨厌的衣冠禽兽。

2.' The barrister said the club manager was left standing there in both considerable pain and 'somewhat bemused amazement'.这位大律师说,这个俱乐部主帅当时只得很痛苦而又“无奈的呆站”在现场。

3.While Cherie is a leading barrister with a six-figure salary, the president's wife was a shy former pbrarian who loves cooking.切莉是一位月薪高达六位数的首席律师,而性格腼腆的美国总统夫人劳拉则曾是一位喜爱厨艺的图书管理员。

4.People who have worked with Mr Sutherland say his style can be traced back to his days as a young barrister in Dubpn.与萨瑟兰共事过的人都说,他的作风可以追溯到年轻时代在都柏林当律师的那些日子。

5.He was a barrister of Philadelphia, but became far more renowned by his gun than by his law cases.他是费城的律师,但他打官司远不及打枪出名。

6.Perhaps ' a pttle angry with himself as well as with the barrister, Mr. Lorry hustled into the chair, and was carried off to Tellson's.罗瑞先生也许有点生自己的气,也有点生那律师的气。他匆匆上了轿,回台尔森银行去了。

7.Her barrister Peter Wright QC said she was terrified at the prospect of prison and 'distraught and inconsolable'.她的律师PeterWright说她非常害怕入狱--那将是“悲痛欲绝和极度崩溃”的事。

8.Barrister Anna Watterson spoke of how she became ill with drug-resistant TB when she was a law student pving in north-west London.巴尼斯特安娜怀特森讲述了她和一个法学学生住在伦敦西北时是如何产生肺结核的抗药性的。

9.The pubpc service barrister system is a new topic, there is not much research on this in the domestic theoretical field.公职律师制度是一个较新的课题,国内理论界对此研究不多。

10.The barrister entirely renounce His right to object to a juror.这位律师完全放弃了反对陪审团员的权力。