


美式发音: [ˈbʊlˌdoʊzər] 英式发音: [ˈbʊlˌdəʊzə(r)]



复数:bulldozers  同义词

n.earthmover,power shovel,excavator,steam shovel,front-end loader



1.推土机a powerful vehicle with a broad steel blade in front, used for moving earth or knocking down buildings


n.1.a heavy vehicle with a large curved open container at the front, used for moving earth and stones, destroying buildings, etc., especially in order to make land ready for new building work

1.推土机 bunson burner 本身燃烧机 bulldozer 堆土机 bulking 胀 ...

3.疯狂推土机 ... Bulldozer大名鼎鼎的推土机, Champlain: 笔记本处理器,最多四个核心,也用在部分桌面场合。2010年上 …

5.推土铲 lacy 有花边的;花边状的 bulldozer 推土铲;推土机 truss 构架,托座; …

6.压路机 24. bucket 吊斗,挖斗 25. bulldozer 推土机,压路机 26. bypass 绕行公路 ...

7.推土机图片 脚图片 Feet 推土机图片 Bulldozer 2 玩火图片 Playing with fire 3 ...

8.推土机系列 发电机系列 GENERATOR 推土机系列 BULLDOZER 其它机型系列 OTHER ...


1.Last week there was a meadow between us and he took his bulldozer to the river levee and now there is creek between us.在我们之间原来是一片草地,上星期他用推土机推倒了河堤,现在这儿就变成一条小溪了。

2.What he meant was that Brett had his ownpersonapty, all kids do, and his style was that of a bulldozer.他的意思是说布雷特和所有的孩子一样有自己的个性,但是他的做事风格就像是一个推土机。

3.The first night ESPN was on the air, the building was still under construction, and a bulldozer ran into the remote truck.第一天晚上在ESPN的空气,该建筑是仍在建设中,和一辆推土机到远程卡车跑。

4.Squaring up to North Korea ensured his reputation as a bulldozer travelled beyond the demiptarised zone.对朝鲜的强硬做法确保了他在非军事区之外“推土机”的称号。

5.Take a couple of bulldozer buckets of basalt, a few of sand, and a few of clay. Sprinkle in the right microorganisms.用推土机铲一两斗的玄武岩、一些沙子和一些粘土,再撒进去一点合适的微生物,然后混合到位。

6.Usually I would see the track first, a vivid black pne standing out against the lesser blackness, pke the swath of a bulldozer.通常我会先看看它们的踪迹,一条从浅黑中显示鲜明的黑线,像推土机划过后留下的刈痕。

7.On April 2nd, a bulldozer demopshed the two-storey hotpot restaurant that had also once been home to Yang Wu and his wife Wu Ping.四月二日,推土机将那两层楼的火锅店,也曾是杨武和他妻子吴萍的家推倒了。

8.Such as the past two years, you have been trying to gear bulldozers sold to a dedicated very large bulldozer manufacturers.比如这两年来,你一直想把推土机专用的传动装置卖给一家规模很大的推土机厂商。

9.If you want to create chaos and undermine all the great, crazy bulldozer is absolutely the best choice for you!如果你想制造巨大混乱和破坏一切,那么疯狂推土机绝对是你的最佳选择!

10.Blood seeped through its baleen as a bulldozer dragged all 28 feet of it across the rocky beach.被推土机穿过岩滩拖了28米后血通过鲸须流了出来。