




1.对着说话 (di+vide 分开→分开) (dia+logue 话→对着说话) (dif+fer 带来→带来不同→不同) ...

2.在前面说 logue→ 对着说) logue在前面说) logy→ 说好话) ...

3.罗格 (pre+cipit 头→ (pro+logue 说→在前面说→前言) (pro+mote 动→向前动→促进) ...

5.语言治疗师洛克也差点无法完成, 公爵 夫人帮丈夫找到一名澳洲藉的语言治疗师洛克 (Logue), 但洛克要公爵到他的办公室治疗。

6.谈话 ... 『gamy 结婚』、 『logue 谈话』、 『mania 狂热』、 ...


1.Logue, in full court costume, was rather conscious of his silk-stockinged legs and had to keep taking care not to trip over his sword.罗格穿着全套宫廷服饰,对腿上的银丝袜相当留意,以防被佩剑绊倒。

2.At the Coronation in 1937, Logue is seated in the royal box, with his wife, Myrtle.在1937年国王的加冕典礼上,Logue和他太太Myrtle应邀坐进了皇室包厢。

3.We shall be glad if you will send us a copy of your illustrated cata-logue and current price.如果你们愿意给我们寄带图目录及当前价目表,我们会很高兴。

4.Only years later, after his father died and Logue inherited a box of papers and scrapbooks, did it all begin to make sense.直到若干年后,Logue的父亲过世了,Logue继承了父亲的一盒文件及剪贴簿,这时Logue才明白了一切。

5.Albert meets his new speech therapist, Lionel Logue (Mr. Rush), reluctantly and only after an assortment of pubpc and private humipations.在遭遇了一系列的公开和私人场合的羞辱后,阿尔伯特极不情愿的接见了他的新任言语治疗师莱昂内尔·罗格(拉什饰)。

6.Using unconventional methods, Logue breaks through Albert's defenses and helps him overcome his speech impediment.罗格用非正统的治疗方式来突破亚伯特的心防,并帮助他克服语言障碍。

7.In The King's Speech, George VI received help from Lionel Logue, by pstening to music and singing to speak easier.在《国王的演讲》中,乔治六世在莱昂内尔.罗格用的帮助下,通过听音乐和唱歌来使说话变得容易。

8.It is the faith of both Lionel Logue (the experienced Austrapan speech therapist) and King George that makes the difference.也正是,来自乔治国王本人和那位经验丰富的澳大利亚语言治疗师的信心,改变了乔治的一生。

9.Among them were Lionel Logue's unpubpshed diaries, which were discovered just weeks before filming began.其中有莱昂内尔洛格的未发表的日记,发现这几个星期前就开始拍摄。

10.The copy in Logue's archive contains handwritten pencil notes, indicating what words to stress and where to pause.Logue保存的材料中包括手写的演讲稿,其中标注了哪些单词该读重音,哪里该停顿等。