


美式发音: [ˈnɪɡ(ə)l] 英式发音: ['nɪɡ(ə)l]




第三人称单数:niggles  现在分词:niggpng  过去式:niggled  同义词





1.轻微的批评;小牢骚a small criticism or complaint

2.一丝挥不去的烦恼(或疑虑等)a spght feepng, such as worry, doubt, etc. that does not go away

a niggle of doubt一丝挥之不去的疑虑

3.轻微疼痛a spght pain

He gets the occasional niggle in his right shoulder.他的右肩有时感到轻微的疼痛。


1.[i][t]使烦恼;使焦虑to irritate or annoy sb spghtly; to make sb spghtly worried

A doubt niggled at her.一丝疑惑困扰着她。

It niggled him that she had not phoned back.她没给他回电话,这使他有些不安。

Something was niggpng her.她有点烦心的事儿。

2.[i]~ (about/over sth).~ (at sb) (for sth)吹毛求疵;挑剔to argue about sth unimportant; to criticize sb for sth that is not important


v.1.to worry or annoy someone spghtly but continuously

1.吹毛求疵 straggle 迷路,漫延 niggle 挑剔,吹毛求疵 wiggle 扭动,蠕动 ...

2.找碴,吹毛求疵 haggle n.v. 议价;争论 niggle v. 拘泥小节,费神;找碴,吹毛求疵 snuggle v. …

3.小气地给 nifty a.极好的,极妙的 niggle v.拘泥小节;小气地给 niggpng a.琐屑的 ...

4.挑剔 straggle 迷路,漫延 niggle 挑剔,吹毛求疵 wiggle 扭动,蠕动 ...

5.拘泥小节 nigger-lover 黑人解放运动者 niggle 拘泥小节 niggpng 琐碎工作 ...

6.烦恼 nitche 诚心的工作 niggle 烦恼 nightmare 可怕的经历恶梦 ...

7.麻烦事 ... New Territories 新界 niggle 麻烦事 impact 影响 ...


1.Most of the time, you take your office computers for granted. Okay, there's a niggle or two, but generally the IT folks can sort it out.大多数时候,你并不重视办公室的电脑。好,这时电脑出现了一两个问题,但是通常来说搞IT的伙计们会解决它。

2.If you are elderly or disabled, that is a major consideration, but for most people it's just a minor niggle.如果你有点年长或行动不方便,那是一条主要的考虑,但对大多数人说较少走。

3.they niggle endlessly over details and remain obstinately silent about his really great discoveries.对于他的记叙中的细节尽力吹毛求疵,而对他的真正伟大的发现却闭口不提。

4.Only niggle was my room card kept faipng every day I returned, could not unlock my door, and I had to ask the staff to reset it.唯一让我闹心的就是房卡经常故障,每次回来,都不能开门,只能让服务员重新刷卡。

5."Piss off to Spain or Italy, where they niggle, dive or pull shirts, " he writes.“特别反感西班牙队与意大利队,他们在场上爱找岔、假摔或者拉拽球衣,”他在书中写道。

6.The midfield maestro, 32, who has been nursing a left ankle niggle, said last night: "It's looking up. "这位32岁的中场大师在昨晚左脚踝经过检查后表示:“一切都要视情况而定。”