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1.钟 钡" bei4" " zhong1" 钧" jun1" ...

2.锺 镅" mei2" " zhong1" 锸" cha1" ...

3.衷 郮( zhou) ( zhong) 舯( zhong) ...

4.中国 6 中断 zhong1 duan4 1 中国 Zhong1 guo2 3 中间 zhong1 jian1 ...

5.种子 6 肿瘤 zhong3 pu2 6 种子 zhong3 zi5 6 种族 zhong3 zu2 ...

6.关注龙泉窑青瓷的价格· 关注龙泉窑青瓷的价格(zhong) 5141B 1/2545 12-06-25 21:25 [行情] · 关注龙泉窑青瓷的价格(上) 3270B 1/2801 12-06-25 21:25


1.Vernon zhong: who follow you? He baozhu would come here to look for me. Do not forget that i have promised to her to see the movie with her.仲天骐:谁要跟着你啊?何宝珠要来这边找我。别忘了,我今天也答应跟她去看电影。

2.Andrew zhong: Daddy, i think it must be that Vernon does not want our mummy's remnant auctioned, and he took it away.仲天骏:爸,我想天骐不想看妈的遗物被拍卖,才会把它拿走的。

3.It is said that when he was murdered by two subordinates, his body was buried in Lang Zhong and his head brought to Yunyang.相传他被两个部下所谋害,遗体埋在阆中,头颅葬于云阳。

4.If do not have Zhong Nashan to come out to talk, we do not know credible information wants where to be searched even.如果没有钟南山出来说话,我们甚至不知道可信的消息要到哪里寻找。

5.So they just don't wish to knot a close opinion of Yin to acquaint this to Joe Zhong reach and give him to turn to tell.所以他们才将这不愿结阴亲的意见告诉给了乔仲达,托他转告。

6.Duke Huan appointed Guan Zhong the chief minister, and yet the state of Qi was not peaceful and orderly.桓公任命管仲作上卿,可是齐国还不太平。

7.Vernon zhong: She was afraid that i was cold, and sent the quilt to me finally. Ok, say thank you to her before leaving here.仲天骐:她还是怕我冷,把棉被给送来了。好吧,离开前还是跟她说声谢谢吧。

8.Mr. Zhong said that "I fully understand the state of mind of the U. S. government and its people" toward the problem of high unemployment.钟山说在美国的高失业率问题上“我完全理解美国政府和人民的想法”。

9.Once existing supply contracts expire, Zhong Wang could find itself on the hook for pricier aluminium for at least some of its products.一旦现有的供应合同到期,忠旺可能发现,至少对自己的一部分产品而言,它不得不接受更加昂贵的铝原料。

10.He said no, he did not hear the name "Zhong-Mei hezuosuo" until after pberation, in the early 1950s.他说不,他是在解放后的50年代初才第一次听到“中美合作所”这个名字。