


美式发音: [tʃæˈstaɪz] 英式发音: [tʃæ'staɪz]



第三人称单数:chastises  现在分词:chastising  过去式:chastised  同义词反义词


v.reprimand,tell off,discippne,censure,punish



1.~ sb (for sth/for doing sth)批评;指责;责备to criticize sb for doing sth wrong

He chastised the team for their lack of commitment.他指责队伍未竭尽全力。

2.~ sb体罚to punish sb physically


v.1.to criticize someone2.to punish someone by hitting them

1.惩罚 chasm 深坑, 裂口,分歧 chastise 笞责, 惩罚 chatted 聊天,闲谈 ...

2.严惩 punish vt. 惩罚, 处罚 chastise vt. 严惩, 惩罚 amerce vt. 罚款, 惩罚 ...

3.谴责 inveigh 痛骂,抨击 chastise 严厉惩罚; 谴责 lambaste 痛打; 痛骂 ...

4.惩戒 call down: 责骂 chastise: 惩戒;严厉批评;责骂 chew out: 严厉责骂 ...

5.严厉惩罚 chasm n. 深渊,大差别,代沟 chastise v. 严厉惩罚,遣责 chauffeur n. 司机 ...

6.惩办 ... chaste adj 纯洁的 贞洁的 简洁的 chastise vt 严惩 惩办 惩罚 cheek n 面颊 脸 ...

7.笞责 chasm 深坑, 裂口,分歧 chastise 笞责, 惩罚 chatted 聊天,闲谈 ...


1.Grandma said, "shut up, you! " , and leaned forward promptly to chastise me with one of her casual, back-handed slaps on my mouth.姥姥说“你给我住嘴!”而且身子猛地向前一倾,随随便便地就用一只手背打我的嘴巴来惩罚我。

2.The moral here is: If you want him to do things at home, don't chastise him for not doing it 'right.在这儿得出一个教训:如果你想让他在家做些家务,当他做错时你不要责骂。

3.Rather than chastise him the therapist tells him that this is a sign that he is going to be "cured" .治疗师非但没有责罚他,反而告诉他说,这是一个迹象:他快要被治疗好了。

4.So, your wife caught you and now she's going to chastise you. Well, you're just going to have to take your medicine.所以说,你妻子逮着你了,现在她要惩罚你。噢,你将不得不忍受处罚。

5.Chastise the banker who bankers after his bonus, but also pity him for he is looking for his primary measure of self-worth to be restored.我们要严惩追逐奖金的银行家,但也要同情他,因为他正寻求恢复自我价值的首要衡量标准。

6.It is not therefore your place to try and force another soul to do your bidding, or chastise them for choosing differently to yourself.因此,这并不是由你去尝试强迫任何灵魂跟随你的选择,或者因为他们选择了不同的道路而责骂他们。

7.The sermon tried to chastise us with scorpions, hellfire abd brim stone. We were scared to death.这篇说教用恐怖和酷刑折磨我们,把我们吓得要死。

8.T: In other words, criticize and chastise yourself. And the purpose of this criticism.也就是说,你责备和惩罚自己。你的目的是……?

9.O Lord, rebuke me not in thy indignation, nor chastise me in thy wrath.上主,求你不要在震怒中责罚我,不要在气愤中惩戒我。

10.To punish or chastise by repeated striking with a strap or rod; flog.鞭笞抽打用皮带或棍棒持续击打而惩罚或惩戒;鞭打