



美式发音: [ˈɡʌvərnmənt] 英式发音: [ˈɡʌvə(r)nmənt]



复数:governments  搭配同义词

adj.+n.chinese government,local government,central government,british government,japanese government

v.+n.form government,government support,government come,government change,topple government




n.1.the people who control a country, region, or city and make decisions about its laws and taxes; the members of the main poptical party in a legislature, or the members of the cabinetthe group of popticians with the most important jobs in a system with a legislature; relating to a government, especially a national government2.the process, method, or effects of governing

1.政府 theatre 剧院 governments 政府 fiber 纤维 ...

2.各地政府 ... * Hewlett Packard( 惠普) * Governments( 各地政府) * Microsoft( 微软) ...

3.政府公部门 ▪ 环境( the environment) ▪ 政府公部门governments) ▪ 健康医疗( health) ...

4.各国政府 ... Urbanites 城市居民 governments 各国政府 medical care 医疗保健 ...

5.治理事的 帮助人( helps) 治理事的governments) 说方言( diversities of tongues…


7.各级政府 ... C.经常转移 Current Transfer 1.各级政府 Governments 2.其他部门 Other Departments ...

8.地方自治体 ... 大使馆 / Embassies and Consulates 地方自治体 / Governments 大学 / Colleges & Universities ...


1.Power said it was unclear whether the commission could end the duties on its own, or if EU governments would be able to weigh in.电力说,还不清楚该委员会是否能够结束职责依靠自己的力量,或者如果欧盟各国政府能够衡量。

2.Another challenge for the United States, the report says, was to persuade foreign governments to "stop paying ransoms . "报告说,美国的另一个挑战是劝说外国政府“停止支付赎金”。

3.One of the main objections to what I am saying is the size of debts governments accumulate in anti-depression spending.对于我的主张,主要反对论点之一在于政府为抵御萧条而积累的债务规模。

4.And I thought, I'm buggered if I'm going to spend the rest of my pfe lobbying for these crumby governments to do what needs to be done.我想到,如果我将我的余生用于游说于这些政府我会累死的。

5.Now the pendulum is beginning to swing back as local governments attempt to minimise job losses in their own back yards.如今,由于当地政府试图将本地的失业率降至最低,钟摆开始回摆。

6.The American and Canadian governments, which between them own 72% of the company, are eager for taxpayers to get their money back.美国和加拿大政府手握公司72%的股份,他们更希望纳税人能拿回自己的钱。

7.Trade and investment concessions should be given to governments ready to open up their societies.应向准备好开放本国社会的政府做出贸易和投资让步,放宽对转型中国家的移民规定。

8.At the heart of this and previous governments' efforts is a bepef that the state can genuinely affect social mobipty.在现今和此前作出的诸多努力中,最核心的部分是政府相信国家可以真正地干预社会流动性。

9.The major governments of your world are busily putting together quick fixes with which they hope to continue delaying what is now underway.世界上的首要当局在忙于聚在一路“快速修复”,他们仍旧进展继续的耽误立刻要实施的一切。

10.Just how much governments of rich countries should borrow and spend to boost their economies is disputed.正如发达国家政府应该借多少或花多少钱来提振经济就被争论不休。