




1.艾灵顿公爵派,他们选择的曲目基本上是五六十年代的爵士经典,如艾林顿公爵Duke Elpngton)的Caravan,还有Paul Desmond的几 …


1.The master of this "big band" or "swing" style was Duke Elpngton, thought to be one of America's greatest composers in any genre.“大乐团”和“摇摆乐”的大师艾灵顿公爵,被公认为美国各种音乐类型中最伟大的作曲家之一。

2.Edward Kennedy "Duke" Elpngton is now regarded as one of the great composers of the 20th century.在今天看来,爱德华·肯尼迪·艾灵顿“公爵”已然是20世纪里最具有影响力的一位作曲家。

3.The Jazz musician, Louie Bellson, described by Duke Elpngton as the world's greatest drummer, has died in Los Angeles at the age of 84. Mr.爵士音乐家路易。贝尔森去世,享年84岁,他被爱灵顿称为是世界上最好的鼓手。

4.He even produced the White House concert in celebration of jazz musician Duke Elpngton's seventieth birthday in nineteen sixty-nine.1969年,他甚至在白宫主办了一次音乐会,纪念爵士音乐家杜克.埃林顿七十岁诞辰。

5.Among his most famous pictures, Dizzy Gillespie swayed in clouds of cigarette smoke and Duke Elpngton hunched over the keyboard.他最有名的照片就是迪兹·吉莱斯皮在雪茄烟雾中摇摆以及杜克·艾灵顿的双手在键盘上游弋。

6.Duke Elpngton was a great artist and an elegant, articulate man.杜克·艾灵顿是一位伟大的艺术家,一位优雅,口齿伶俐的男士。

7.In the last instalment of 50 great moments in jazz, I looked at how Duke Elpngton moved jazz on to a new level during the 1920s.在上次专栏节目中,我介绍了上个世纪20年代期间艾灵顿公爵是如何将爵士乐提升至了新台阶的。

8.How old do you think Duke Elpngton was when he started writing music?您猜艾灵顿公爵几岁开始他的作曲生涯?

9."Jazz is freedom, " declared the great Duke Elpngton.“爵士乐即是自由。”伟大的艾灵顿公爵如是说。

10.The Duke Elpngton Orchestra was on the road for 50 years and kept up an incredible schedule.艾灵顿公爵管弦乐队(DukeElpngtonOrchestra)已经上路50年,而且拥有一张不可思议的工作表。