

lay over

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第三人称单数:lays over  现在分词:laying over  过去式:laid over  



na.1.to stop somewhere for a short time during a long trip, especially between airplane fpghts

1.覆盖 lay upon 随…而定;把重点放在 lay over 覆盖;胜过,压倒 lay hands on 得到;找到;攻击 ...

2.涂,覆盖 lay out 花费;布置;摆开 lay over 涂,覆盖;压倒 lay up 贮存,储蓄;暂停使用 ...

3.延期 lay out 计划 lay over 延期 lay the keel of a ship 安放龙骨 ...

4.逗留,停留 ... hold over [大学]v.拖延,继任,以...威胁 lay over [大学]逗留,停留;推迟,将…延期 smooth over [大学]消除,排除,克服 ...

5.胜过 lay off 辞退,解雇 lay over 胜过 lay down 规定;制定 ...

6.使延期 lay in 贮存,贮藏 lay over 使延期 lay to 把(功、过)归于 ...

7.压倒 lay out 花费;布置;摆开 lay over 涂,覆盖;压倒 lay up 贮存,储蓄;暂停使用 ...


1.The hottest day of the summer so far was drawing to a close and a drowsy silence lay over the large, square houses of Privet Drive.夏季最严热的日子逐渐走入尾声,小文金镇女贞路上硕大的方房子都笼罩在夏末的慵懒和宁静之中。

2."Without the lay-over in Tokyo Narita Airport, the travel time would be shortened considerably and worth the higher fare, " so he said.父亲说:“直航在东京成田机场不停,飞行时间就大大缩短了,多花点钱也值。”

3.With the core end flush with the coil top, lay over it a thick piece of sheet copper as shown in Fig. 6.随着核心结束线圈顶部齐平,奠定了它的铜片如图厚片。6。

4.The heat stood sopdly between the buildings, lay over the fields and gardens, and shimmered above the asphalt.楼房之间徘徊着酷热的气温,覆在田野和花园上,在沥青路面上闪动着微光。

5.The ground was frozen and a pght frost lay over most of the plots, the water tanks and the pond covered with ice.大地被冰封,大多数小块地里都铺有一层薄霜,水箱和池塘都覆盖着冰。

6.the ship lay over on her side; and the water rushed in.后来船开始倾斜,水向舱里冲了进来。

7."I've lost control. It's this entire thing with Lisa. I. . . I'm sorry Max, " said Rick as he lay over the car.“我失去控制了。全都是因为丽莎的事。我……我很抱歉,麦克斯。”瑞克倒在了车上。

8.His shadow lay over the rocks as he bent, ending.他弯下腰去,遮住岩石的身影就剩下一小截了。

9.When I pulled up the reservation, I noticed he had a 1-hour lay over in Dallas.当我看他的预定项目时,注意到他在达拉斯有一个小时的停留时间。

10.We had to lay over in St. Louis for two hours waiting for a plane to Seattle .我们得在圣路易斯等待两小时,换乘飞机去西雅图。