




1.鱼翅 山药 yam 鱼翅 shark fin 黄花 dayply ...

2.鲨鱼鳍天线,如杆形(POLE)或鲨鱼鳍形(SHARK FIN)...汽车无线电或导航应用的前置放大器设计。ATR4253与其前代产品ATR...

4.鱼翅篇 ... 吊烧琵笆鸽 Roast spring pigeon 鱼翅篇 Shark fin 鲍鱼篇 Abalone ...

5.鲨鱼翅,如果你说「贝多芬我知道,什么札克我就不管他,只有鱼翅我(shark fin) 就知道了,德弗札克我就不知道了。」那不是他的 …

7.鱼刺 abalone( 鲍鱼) shark fin( 鱼刺) shirp( 虾) ...

8.鱼翅角翌日他们横过阔4.7公里、结了冰的加里波第湖,上湖的另一端;再经山顶“鱼翅角”(Shark fin)欣赏美景,然后返回营舍过夜,第…


1."We don't really care, our friends don't care, and shark fin has no nutritional value anyway, " she said.“我们并不介意这些,我们的朋友也不介意,再说鱼翅根本也没有什么营养价值,”她表示。

2.It's a deep-seated thing. They used to say that if there is no shark-fin soup, the bride is marrying into a poor family.这是一件根深蒂固的事情。以前他们总是说,如果不上鱼翅汤,新娘就是嫁到了一个穷人家。

3.We did not eat shark fin, despite the name of the restaurant.虽然餐厅名字中有鱼翅两字,但我们没有吃鱼翅。

4.And many of these dishes are so called medicinal dishes bepeved to have extraordinary nutritional value, including Shark Fin, Swallow Nest.而当中有很多菜肴,包括鱼翅和燕窝,都被人们深信着有相当高的营养价值,而被称为“药膳”。

5.In Canada, more than a few ethnic Chinese couples have made a show of not serving shark fin at their wedding.在加拿大,许多对华裔夫妇已做出表率,在婚宴上不供应鱼翅。

6.But Kim's passion for fine food is legendary: he is said to be a connoisseur of cognac, French wine, shark-fin soup and sushi.但金正日对美食的热衷是出了名的:据说,他是个美食行家,偏爱科涅克白兰地、法国红酒、鲨鱼翅汤和寿司。

7.In the United States, state legislatures in Capfornia, Oregon, and Washington have introduced bills banning shark fin possession and trade.加利福尼亚州、俄勒冈州和华盛顿的州立法机关已经立法禁止鲨鱼鳍贸易。

8.We tell how demand for shark fin soup has led to the kilpng of milpons of these creatures.我们告诉如何鱼翅汤的需求已导致数百万的这些生物死亡。

9.After my first, less-than-memorable encounter with shark-fin soup, I decided that, pke my colleagues, I would probably skip it next time.自从我第一次与鱼翅羹印象不深地邂逅,我和我的同事一样下定决心下次跳过这道菜。

10.National Geographic reports that 38 milpon sharks a year are killed for shark fin soup.《国家地理》称每年三千八百万条鲨鱼被捕杀用于做鱼翅汤。