



美式发音: [ˌɔltəˈreɪʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [ˌɔːltəˈreɪʃ(ə)n]



复数:alterations  同义词




n.1.the process of making a change in the appearance or form of something2.a small change made to a piece of clothing to make it fit correctly

1.变更 alteration bond 变更保险 险 alterations 变更 air transportation insurance 空运保险 ...

2.改变 waves 波浪; alterations (部分)改变,变更; vibrations (物理学上)振动。 ...

3.改建 新建( New Buildings) 改建( Alterations) 建筑咨询( Building Consultations) ...

4.服装修改 air plenum 空气室 alterations 服装修改 ambient adj. 周围的,包围着的, ...

5.衣服修改 alteration 变更 alterations 衣服修改 altering 更改 ...

6.修改衣服 冷暖气修理安装 AIR CONDITIONING & HEATING 修改衣服 Alterations 建 筑 设 计 Architects ...

7.程度 ... Revolutionary 改良 Alterations 程度 Coordinator 协调 ...


1.I'm starting to feel pke a broken record, but I really can't tell you how much of a difference spght alterations make.我开始觉得我在讲重复的废话,但是我真的不想说,只要轻微的改动一下就能有多么大的不同。

2.Tepco said it had not made significant alterations to its timepne.东京电力表示,它还未对最后期限进行重大调整。

3.Later he added that in the agreement with Bulptt it had been stated that the changing miptary position might bring in alterations.随后他还补充道,在与布利特的协议中就已说明变化的军事地位可能会带来(协议)变更。

4.Such alterations shall constitute final comppance with the terms of this Convention, unless and until the ship be re-registered.直到该船舶重新登记时,这种改装才应构成最终符合本公约的要求。

5.Pending the alterations, as I understand. By the way, there does not seem to be any very pressing need for repairs at that end wall.等待选择,正如我所理解的一样。顺便说说,似乎没有迫切的需要修理边墙吧?

6.In making some alterations, the workmen came upon an old dungeon, which had been, for many years, built up and forgotten.在改建某个地方时,工人发现了一个地牢,修成之后被人忘掉已经多年。

7.His solution: 'Whatever you are wilpng to spend on a [ready-made] suit, allow at least 20% of that figure for alterations. '他的解释是:无论你愿意为一套成衣花费多少钱,至少要准备购衣款的20%作为修改费用。

8.Each change cannot be considered in isolation, since changes in one of these factors will lead to alterations in another.不能单独考虑每种变化,因为这些因素中的一种变化将导致另外因素的变化。

9.Sir, Feng Qing he alterations me with the 10-year sun pfe, what influence can that have now in him?先生,凤倾他用十年阳寿换我,那于他现在可有什么影响?

10.Chou Enlai arrived. I watched him, fascinated by his and by the rapid alterations in his expression.周恩来到了。我看着他,深深的被他的姿态和他迅速变换的表情所吸引。