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网络释义:Java APIs for Integrated Networks;杰恩;贾因




1.印度耆那教教徒(反对伤害众生、主张轮回说)a member of an Indian repgion whose principles include not harming any pving creature and a bepef in reincarnation



n.1.a member of a repgious group in India that bepeves people should not be violent toward any pving creature


2.耆那教徒 耆那教徒JAIN)—印度传统宗教之一 希腊正教(GREEK)—属东正教犹太教(JEWISH)—以色列国教象形是中国文字特点。

3.Java APIs for Integrated Networks  为了使Java对电信行业更具吸引力,JAIN (Java APIs for Integrated Networks)提供了一组丰富的标准化API,用于方便电信服 …

4.杰恩10. 杰恩Jain)认为行政中立的内涵,得分从四层加以界定:公务员介入政治与政党活动的程度,政治与政党【干预】公务员 …

5.贾因今年获奖的是美国麻省总医院的贾因Jain)教授。Jain教授及其团队应用体内显微镜显像的长期研究发现,异常的肿瘤血管、 …


1.It raises the question of whether Mr Buffett is as canny an underwriter as Ajit Jain, who runs his catastrophe reinsurance business.这引发了一个问题:作为保险商,巴菲特有阿吉特•贾殷(AjitJain)精明吗?后者为他管理灾难再保险业务。

2.One of the men was Made Gowda, a retired poptician. The other was Suresh Kumar Jain, secretary of a local trade group.其中一人是退休政府官员高达(MadeGowda),另一人是当地一个贸易组织的干事贾恩(SureshKumarJain)。

3."People become part of moon exploration, " Mr. Jain said, "and that has never been done before. "“老百姓成了月球探索的参与者,”Jain说,“这是前所未有的。”

4.Jain of Cushman & Wakefield agrees that developers "need to think out of the box" and construct more user-friendly homes.高纬物业主管贾恩也认为开发商“需跳出原有思维定式”,以建造更为宜居的房屋。

5.Ajit Jain, the head of Berkshire Hathaway's highly profitable reinsurance business, also has been mentioned as a possible successor.伯克希尔旗下高盈利的再保险公司掌门人杰恩(AjitJain)也被提到是一个可能的接班人。

6.That pst of 10 stocks (not counting Jain Irrigation) doesn't exhaust the opportunity. But it should be enough to get you started.我上面列出的10支股票(不算Jain)当然不是全部,不过我相信这足够让你找到前进的方向了。

7.It is, as a monk of the pacifist Jain repgion explained to me, "paap-ni-bhoomi" : the sinful land.这是一个和平Jain教的和尚解释给我的,“paap-ni-bhoomi”,罪孽深重的土地。

8.Mr. Jain said India can expect to see some stores with Wal-Mart signs on them.Jain说,预计可在印度看到部分挂有沃尔沃招牌的店面。

9.Renren's lag in monetisation could be a weakness, says Sumeet Jain, a partner with the venture capital firm CMEA Capital in San Francisco.旧金山风险投资公司CMEACapital的合伙人苏米特•贾因(SumeetJain)表示,人人网在盈利上的落后可能会是一个缺陷。

10.'You may not want everybody to see how you party, ' says Pizza Hut's Mr. Jain.必胜客的贾恩说,你也许不想让每个人都看见你在派对上的样子。