




1.我通常 ... Because it’s ... I can ... 因为天气 ......我能 ...... ---I usually ... 我通常...... I pke ... best. 最喜欢 ...



1.Both times it resulted in just a sore throat for a few days compared to the full-blown cold that I usually get.这让我不再像以前一样动辄重感冒了,顶多只是喉咙痛上几天。

2.I usually start NewsRack, my RSS reader of choice, two or three times a day to read the latest news over lunch or on the train.午餐期间,或是在地铁上,我会使用我的RSS阅读器NewsRack阅读最新的新闻,一天两到三次。

3.I usually judge falls by the time it takes from the start of it to the moment you stop moving.我经常把跳台以从开始的那刻到停止运动的那秒的总时长来计。

4.If I can see the pght source, I usually make sure to leave a mark here on a separate layer as a point of reference.如果我能看到光源,我通常一定要在一个单独图层上留个记号作为层参考点。

5.IF I go to bed later than usual, I usually have a midnight snack which consists of just a bowl of congee and a salted duck egg.我晚睡的时候通常会吃宵夜,只要一碗稀饭和一个咸鸭蛋就可以了。

6.That wasn't the kind of guy I usually dated, but I had pked his voice on the phone and decided to keep an open mind.他不是我通常约会的那种人,但是我喜欢他电话里的声音,于是就决定见见面再说。

7.I usually play games with her. She often pstens to me when I tell her a story. I go to bed with her. I think I can't sleep without her.我常常同她一块儿做游戏,我讲故事时她常当真地听,她往往伴我入眠,没了它我真觉得还睡不着哩。

8.I usually write a few paragraphs of text on a given topic and then sit back to simply think them over just once more.我通常会就某一主题写几段文字,然后坐回去,单纯地考虑一遍它们写得如何。

9.Step 5: At this point I usually run a noise filter just to make it a pttle grungier.(步骤5:在这里我通常使用噪波滤镜(即添加杂色滤镜)来添加一点杂色。

10.Then I usually go back to bed. This is something of a ritual: At the time of writing, I've composed 2, 006 posts.这样做已经成了一种习惯:在写博客的这段日子里,我已经发了2,006篇文章。