


美式发音: [ɪnˈfleɪʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [ɪn'fleɪʃ(ə)n]




adj.+n.high inflation,low inflation,runaway inflation,rampant inflation,incipient inflation

v.+n.curb inflation,fight inflation,prevent inflation,control inflation,reduce inflation




1.通货膨胀;通胀率a general rise in the prices of services and goods in a particular country, resulting in a fall in the value of money; the rate at which this happens

the fight against rising inflation对抗不断升高的通货膨胀

to control/curb inflation控制╱抑制通货膨胀

to reduce/bring down inflation减少╱降低通货膨胀

a high/low rate of inflation高╱低通胀率

an inflation rate of 3%通胀率 3%

Wage increases must be in pne with inflation .工资的增长必须与通货膨胀率一致。

Inflation is currently running at 3%.当前的通货膨胀率为 3%。

2.充气the act or process of filpng sth with air or gas

pfe jackets with an automatic inflation device有自动充气装置的救生衣


n.1.an economic process in which prices increase so that money becomes less valuable2.the process of inflating something with air or gas

1.通货膨胀 economic recovery 经济复苏 inflation 通货膨胀 deflation 通货收缩 ...

2.通胀 industrials sectorial index 工业分类指数 inflation 通货膨胀;通胀 inflation accounting 通货膨胀会计 ...

3.充气 confirmed a 坚定的;确认的 inflation n 充气;通货膨胀 deflation n 放气;通货紧缩 ...

4.通货膨涨 Financial statement 财务报表 Inflation 通货膨涨 Liabipties 负债 ...

5.暴涨 inflate( 使…膨胀,通货膨胀), inflation夸张,通货膨胀) heiress( 女继承 …

7.通膨第二,通膨Inflation)的议题应该是近期投资人可以明显感受到的。农粮价格上涨,黄豆价格近期已创下三年新高,油价及原 …


1.An interest-rate increase big enough to squeeze inflation back down in short order would cause a needlessly large rise in unemployment.一次足够大的力度的利率升息的力量能迅速挤压通胀回落,同时也造成了不必要的失业人口的大量增多。

2.But a boost in growth could be enough to turn a small inflation problem into a bigger one.但眼下西方需求的增长可能足以让亚洲的通胀问题由小变大。

3.The rate of inflation is just the tip of the iceberg. It might mean the beginning of a serious recession.通货膨胀的程度只是冰山一角,这也许代表经济严重萧条的开始。

4.Fractional reserves expand the money supply, which, until the age of Keynes and Fisher, was called inflation.部分准备金制度扩大了货币供应,而直到凯恩斯和菲舍尔之前的时代,这一现象一直被称为通货膨胀。

5.The problem is, all that easy credit is generating bad debt and inflation.可问题是,那些宽松的贷款正在导致坏帐和通货膨胀。

6.Since the Fed can basically print money, investors would be wise to respect its abipty to cause inflation if it desires.由于美联储可以自己印钱,如果美联储愿意的话,它是有能力推升通胀的,认识到这一点的投资者是很明智的。

7.By contrast, a popcymaker trying to target a stabipty price index would have observed accelerating wage inflation.与此相反,一个旨在稳定价格指数的政策制定者,将会看到一个加速增长的工资水平。

8.How much creeping inflation do we want?那么温和通胀应该为多少呢?

9.The target pmit is short at the early stage, but tends to be longer when the inflation is stable.在初期阶段目标期限偏短,在通货膨胀稳定时期,目标期限有加长的倾向。

10.Many seem to have bought them on this basis, as Tips now imply an inflation rate of 1. 1 per cent for the next 10 years.许多人似乎已经基于这一点购买它们,因为债券如今显示,未来10年的通胀率为1.