




1.迈凯轮和法拉利车队合作,1985年起,豪雅表开始赞助奔驰麦凯伦(McLaren)车队;1992年起,豪雅表开始担任F1世界一级方程式赛 …

8.麦拉伦后来加入麦拉伦(Mclaren)俱乐部,成为麦拉伦车队的拥护者。每年F1赛车季是他的年度大事之一,心情会跟著车队的成绩表现 …


1.The appearance of an upper level vacancy on the McLaren Automotive website suggests one direction the company might take.出现的一个高层空缺迈凯轮汽车网站表明一个方向,公司可能采取的。

2.The last time McLaren fought for the world championship it was with you. Are they in better shape now than they were then?上个赛季你还身披迈克拉伦的战袍为世界冠军而战,现在的迈克拉伦和当时相比状态更好吗?

3.On top of that, Hamilton will also take along one lucky visitor on a ride up the Festival's hill-cpmb in the Mercedes-McLaren SLR supercar.最重要的是,汉密尔顿也将携带一个幸运游客乘坐上了电影节的山区攀登的梅塞德斯车队单反超级。

4.In Shanghai, it was obvious right from Friday practice that McLaren were going to be very hard to beat.在上海,很明显,从星期五开始,迈凯伦就很难被击败。

5.So Haug, racing boss of McLaren's works partner Mercedes-Benz, said it is too soon to say that Thursday's form is the beginning of a trend.所以豪格,迈凯轮车队老板的工程合作伙伴奔驰,说现在还太早,无法说,星期四的形式开始了一个趋势。

6.McLaren says no Ferrari intellectual property passed to any other members of the team or was incorporated into its cars.迈凯轮表示,法拉利的知识产权没有给过队里其他成员,也没有融入自己的赛车设计中。

7.Q. Do you think the rate of development at Ferrari is the same as you experienced at McLaren?你觉得法拉利赛车的改进和你在迈克拉伦时经历的一样吗?

8.The engine beating at the heart of this year's McLaren car rotates at up to 20, 000 revolutions per minute.今年,迈凯轮赛车引擎的转速高达每分钟2万转。

9.Only McLaren and Ferrari used KERS in Istanbul over the weekend, but even so BMW's Mario Theissen did not vote to ban the systems.只有迈凯轮和法拉利在伊斯坦布尔用物上周末,但即使这样宝马马里奥泰森没有投票,禁止系统。

10.Kovalainen will step up to become Giancarlo Fisichella's team mate when Fernando Alonso leaves for McLaren at the end of the season.在费尔南多-阿隆索年底转会迈凯轮之后,科瓦拉宁升级成为了吉安卡洛-费斯切拉的队友。