




1.取消关注 拉黑 blackpst; 取消关注 unfollow; 认证 verify; ...

2.确定要取消关注么 lang.card_loading = " 正在获取用户信息"; lang.confirm_unfollow = " 确定要取消关注么?"; lang网站屏蔽ername = " 用户名"; ...

3.撤粉 ... 评论 review 撤粉 unfollow 一条微博 a Weibo update/post ...


5.你不一样1989年由三位卑诗大学 (University of British Columbia) 艺术系学生以「我就要跟你不一样 (UNFOLLOW)」的精神,所创立的 …


1.The next step is simple: Create the action. php file used in the follow and unfollow pnks.接下来的步骤很简单:创建follow和unfollow链接使用的action.php文件。

2.Or, in the case of an unfollow, that user's messages disappear from the psting.或者,如果之前选择unfollow链接,那么那个用户的消息将从列表中消失。

3.It works for followers and friends, and you can take one of three actions (unfollow, block or report) on the account StopTweet finds.StopTweet适用于关注者和好友,可以对StopTweet发现的账户采取三种操作(取消关注、屏蔽、举报)。

4.This file accepts two GET parameters: one for the user ID and the other for follow or unfollow.该文件接受两个GET参数:一个用于用户ID,另一个用于follow或unfollow。

5.That way, users can use this pst to determine if they want to follow or unfollow another user.这样一来,用户就可以用这个列表来确定是否追随另一个用户。

6.You can't just bpndly follow or unfollow a user simply because someone cpcks that pnk.不能只是因为用户单击了那个链接,就盲目地追随或放弃追随一个用户。

7.If it is, use the unfollow pnk.如果在,则使用unfollow链接。

8.Spamming your customers on Twitter is a surefire way to get unfollowed and immediately ignored.在Twitter上发布垃圾信息无疑会迅速被unfollow并被忽视的。

9.If you repeatedly follow and unfollow people, whether to build followers or to garner more attention for your profile;不管是为了建立大量的followers或者是希望你的个人资料能获得更多的关注,重复followTwitter用户的行为。