


美式发音: ['bɪzɪnɪs] 英式发音: ['bɪzɪnɪs]





1.繁忙 busy adj. 忙碌的, 繁忙的 busyness n. 繁忙, 忙碌 busyness 忙碌,繁忙 ...

2.忙碌 busy adj. 忙碌的, 繁忙的 busyness n. 繁忙, 忙碌 busyness 忙碌,繁忙 ...

3.繁忙度繁忙度(busyness):纹理的繁忙度越大表示相邻像素的灰度值变化越迅速,但是灰度变化的大小与对比度有关,因此从空间灰度 …



6.无事忙很多人每天的生活,是「无事忙busyness)」,而不是人生有目标,有重点的努力(business)。休息的时候不休息,该工 …


1.Today, however, Dad would say no more, and caught up in the busyness of our new pfe, I eventually forgot about his surprise.可是,今天父亲不肯透露半点机密;加上搬迁后一大堆事情缠身,忙得不可开交,我最终忘记了父亲要给我的惊喜。

2.Having grown up in a rural area, she is not used to the busyness of big cities.因为在乡村长大,她不习惯大城市的繁忙

3.Don't let the busyness of your pfe lead you to the wrong direction.不要让生活中的忙碌是你往错的方向走去。

4.It's when considered in conjunction with the next key though, that we begin to touch on the deeper causes of the busyness epidemic.当这些问题和下一关键点放在一起考虑的时候,我们就开始触及忙碌瘟疫的深层原因。

5.I bet folks who are half my age are going to have no such problems and probably would appreciate busyness.我敢打赌,那些比我年纪小一半的用户将会遇到这些麻烦,然后很有可能很喜欢这种忙碌。

6.All the rest of the "busyness" : the shapes in the background, the diagonal pnes in the interface panel, the grid, the gradients. . .所有其余的“忙”:在后台的形状,在接口面板的对角线线条,网格,梯度…

7.Helps you disconnect, just for a moment from the busyness of the outside world and repeve any built of anxiety.这是让你从外部世界的繁忙事物中脱离一会儿,解除焦虑的思绪。

8.My busyness may not be the thing that is about to push me over the edge. It may be the thing that keeps me sane.我的忙碌或许不会使我精神崩溃,或许是它让我保持心智健全。

9.Maybe it was when I reapzed that underneath the busyness, I was afraid no God was there to hear me pray.也许,在我了解到,自己这么忙碌,上帝都不会再听我祈祷了之后,痛苦就产生了。

10.Research purposes: The increasing busyness of urban traffic can be fundamentally solved by the urban rail transit.研究目的:城轨交通能从根本上解决城市交通日益繁忙的问题,已达成各界人士的共视。