


美式发音: [ˈsɑmbər] 英式发音: [ˈsɒmbə(r)]








1.昏暗的;阴沉的;暗淡的dark in colour; dull

dressed in sombre shades of grey and black穿着灰色和黑色的暗色调衣服

2.阴郁的;沮丧的sad and serious

Paul was in a sombre mood .保罗当时心情忧郁。

The year ended on a sombre note.那一年在沉闷的气氛中结束了。



na.1.The variant of somber

1.阴沉的 ... tunic 束腰外衣 sombre 阴沉的,忧郁的 sagacity 睿智,聪敏 ...

2.昏暗的 somberly 昏暗地 sombre 昏暗的 sombrero 宽边帽 ...

3.忧郁的 blue 详细 sombre 2. 忧郁的 depression 1. 抑郁症 ...

4.阴暗的 solution n.f. 解决办法 sombre adj. 阴暗的 sorte n.f. 种类 ...

5.暗淡的 sopd 纯色的,单色的 sombre 暗淡的 startpng 极鲜亮的 ...

6.阴影 洛拉•奈马克 Lola Naymark 片名:阴影 Sombre 马克•巴尔贝 Marc Barbé ...


1.This time he gazed at him with so sombre an air that Thenardier decided that it was "useless" to proceed further.他这一次看人的神气这样阴沉,以致德纳第认为“不便”再跟上去了。

2.Vice and disease, which cast such a sombre moral hue over the world, seemed to have hardly any existence for him.罪恶与疾病,使这个世界郁忧阴暗,在他却几乎不存在似的。

3.As the sombre wheels of the six carts go round, they seem to plough up a long crooked furrow among the populace in the streets.这六辆车的阴沉的轮子旋转着,似乎在街上的人群中犁出了一条弯弯曲曲的沟畦。

4.It was one of the many paradoxes in her character, that love of sombre and melancholy melodies, so opposite to her gay, frivolous nature.这是她性格中自相矛盾的情况之一:她喜欢低沉忧郁的乐曲,这跟她那快乐、轻浮的天性恰巧相反。

5.It is not too much of a stretch to relate the deflated build-up to the World Cup in England this time to the wider, sombre atmosphere.不需要太多延伸,就可以把英格兰内的对于这次世界杯之旅的灰心丧气的舆论造势,和更广泛的忧郁气氛联系起来。

6.But Liu Ping was sombre as he watched them. His home town of Beichuan was wiped out by the shock. Hundreds of children pe among the dead.看着她们刘平(音译)却高兴不起来。他的家乡北川被地震夷为平地。数百名孩子丧生。

7.Her young pfe had been sombre, but she had known nothing of the utmost human needs.她们年轻的生活是黯淡的,但是她从来不知道什么是人类极端的需要。

8.WHEN Barack Obama visited Elkhart, Indiana, in early February, a few weeks after his inauguration, it was a sombre affair.在二月初,当巴拉克奥巴马在他就职典礼后的几个星期,访问了印第安纳洲的埃尔德哈特市时,那是一件沉重的事情。

9.It was noticed that there was a moment when his countenance became very sombre.大家注意到他的神色在某一时刻显得非常沉郁。

10.It had diffused over the earth all the pght which tyranny can give a sombre pght.凡是专制所能给予的光明,帝国都在世上普及了,那是一种暗淡的光。