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网络释义:能源与资源研究所(The Energy and Resources Institute);泰瑞;能源研究所



1.能源与资源研究所(The Energy and Resources Institute)The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI), Darbari Seth Block India Habitat Centre,Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110 003, IndiaTel.

2.泰瑞杰克的妻子泰瑞(Teri)已经去世很久了,早在该剧的第一季末尾就被恐怖分子杀害,杰克的前女友奥布莉(Aubrey)离开杰克也有 …

3.能源研究所麻风树在干旱的土地上生长旺盛,并不会和粮食争地。能源研究所TERI)的研究发现,印度有6000万公顷被划为废地的土地 …

4.泰莉泰莉Teri):资浅却积极的葳拉,希望能让露西注意到她的工作表现,她试著努力达成每次总编辑交代的任务,是个不可多得 …


1.Teri Mercill said the greatest gift she could ask for was to see her son baptized before he deploys to Iraq.伊恩母亲说她能收到的最好的礼物,是她的儿子能在被派往伊拉克之前能被施洗礼。

2.While Kimberly roams the hillside road in search of her mother Teri is in the car with the motorist who picked her up.金伯利在山丘边的道路上徘徊,寻找她的母亲。泰瑞坐在一辆小汽车中,一名驾驶汽车的女子载上了她。

3.Parslow had wanted more of a relationship, but Teri decided to reconcile with her husband.帕司若想与她发展一段稳定的关系,但她决定了与她丈夫和好。

4.Rick asks Teri and Kim not to say anything to him because Ep has sent him in to get information.里克叫泰瑞和金姆不要告诉他任何事,因为伊菜是派他来获得信息的。

5.Parslow assures her that he is only looking out for her best interests and Teri reluctantly agrees.帕司若要她放心,他只是为她的最佳利益着想,泰瑞不情愿地同意了。

6.She is to tell Teri that she is at a party and will be home in a few hours.要求她告诉她母亲,她现在正在一个聚会中,会在几个小时后回家去。

7.He tells Teri that a man being held might have seen Kim, and he urges Teri to talk to Janet as soon as she's out of surgery.他告诉泰瑞,一个被关在警局的人也许见到过金姆,他极力要求在珍妮特做完手术后,泰瑞要从她口中问出点消息来。

8.Teri and Kim are greeted at the cpnic by Dr. Kent. Teri asks the doctor to keep the information about her rape hidden from her husband.在门诊部,肯特医生与泰瑞和金姆打招呼,泰瑞向肯特要求,不要将她被强奸的事告诉她的丈夫。

9.The views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect official TERI popcy or that of the U. S. State Department.本文所表达的见解不一定反映能源和资源研究所或美国国务院的官方政策。

10.Kim sees the pregnancy test in her mother's bathroom, and Teri confirms that she is pregnant.金姆在她母亲房间的卫生间里看到了验孕棒,泰瑞确认说,她有孕了。