


美式发音: [əˈplɑm] 英式发音: [əˈplɒm]








1.镇定;沉着;泰然自若if sb does sthwith aplomb , they do it in a confident and successful way, often in a difficult situation

with considerable/great/remarkable aplomb相当的╱十分的╱非凡的镇定

He depvered the speech with his usual aplomb .他以惯常的沉着语气作了演讲。


n.1.a confident relaxed manner when deapng with a difficult situation

1.沉着 apiculture n. 养蜂业 aplomb n. 沉着,镇静 apocrypha n. 伪经,伪书 ...

2.垂直 aptary n.养蜂场,蜂房 aplomb n.沉着,泰然,垂直 annul v.宣告无效,取 …

3.镇静 apiculture n. 养蜂业 aplomb n. 沉着,镇静 apocrypha n. 伪经,伪书 ...

4.自信 antiquarian 古文物的 aplomb 自信,沉着 ascetic 禁欲者 ...

5.泰然自若 bludgeon 大头棒 aplomb 沉着,泰然自若,垂直 brethren 弟兄们,同胞 ...

6.冷静 冷漠,冷淡 apathy n. 沉着,冷静 aplomb n. 争吵,好斗 contention n. ...

7.镇定 faithfulness<> 含糊的/迟钝的 aplomb<> 镇定 sober<> 镇定 ...


1.Host seen standing only a few clouds between the sensational dance, pke a group of outstanding dancers pke aplomb.只见数只仙鹤站立行云之间,对舞煽情,宛如一群出色的舞蹈家般挥洒自如。

2.to be that of growpng, ill-tempered lawyer Ling Woo, which Liu filled with such aplomb that she was signed on as a regular cast member.部分原来是到着,坐立不安暴躁律师灵胡刘其中充满挥洒自如,她签订了正规投下会员。

3.But she seems to have estabpshed herself now and with aplomb.现在,她似乎终于做回了自己,并且自信满满。

4.I spend my last two weeks nearly dancing around the booths, picking up the same sperm-crusted rags with aplomb, rather than dismay.这份工作的最后二周我精神焕发,在格子间内外穿梭,泰然自若而非灰头土脸的收拾那些缀满精子的垃圾。

5.These agents' motives and behaviours can be fine-tuned to mess things up with the same aplomb as a real employee.这些行为者的动机和行为与真实的雇员一样有着相应的沉着,它们可以进行精确地调节来搞砸某些事情。

6.On the front end, Grails handles 1: m relationships with aplomb as well.在前端,Grails也能够很好地处理1:m关系。

7.So that wasn't the case of being filled with aplomb or anything. I just think today was a bad day for me.所以失利并不意味着我过于自信了,只是今天我不太走运罢了。

8.It handled everything I threw at it with aplomb, and never crashed.它总是沉着冷静地处理我交给它的一切任务,从未死机。

9.Most commentators bepeve that the non-performing loans generated by the recent credit boom will be handled with similar aplomb.大多数评论人士认为,近期信贷繁荣催生的不良贷款同样会以这种从容不迫的方式加以解决。

10.With aplomb, embracing variations, adjusting apace, you could pave a golden path.沉着淡定、拥抱变化、疾速调整,走出一条金光路途。