




1.上海世博会 上海世博园 Shanghai World Expo 上海世博中国馆 Shanghai Expo China Hall ...

5.上海世博会留言板 Happy Spring Festival! 新春快乐… Shanghai World Expo 看世博 (二… Happy New Year! 新年快乐…

7.上海博物馆会也要去上海,你呢吧用英语交谈,讨论了你们的家乡以及上海博物馆会Shanghai World Expo)的一些情况。


1.A child poses for her mother in front of the China Pavipon at the Shanghai World Expo site April 25, 2010.为她带来一个孩子在中国馆前举行的上海世博会2010年4月25日的母亲。

2.Austria would go all out to support the Shanghai World Expo, an event sure to be a splendid occasion for the city to remember, Fischer said.费希尔说,奥地利将尽全力支持上海世博会,这一盛会注定是值得这个城市铭记的辉煌时刻。

3.The theme of Shanghai World Expo is closely pnked with that of Aichi World Expo.爱知和上海世界博览会主题衔接紧密。

4.I know this is going to be a major focus of the Shanghai World Expo, is the issue of clean energy, as I learned from the Mayor.我知道,清洁能源将成为上海世界博览会的一个主要焦点——我从上海市长那里了解到这一点。

5.In the British museum, during the Shanghai world expo will collect visitors ideas and opinions, adjust the display content and activity.在整个上海世博会期间,英国馆将及时收集参观者的想法和意见,随时调整馆内的展示内容和活动。

6.Daley has been a frequent visitor to China, most recently at the Shanghai World Expo last September.市长戴利曾多次访问中国,最近一次是去年9月去参观上海世博会。

7.The critical period of development in Shanghai, World Expo is pke the coming of an invisible hand to promote the rapid growth of Shanghai.就在上海发展的关键时期,世博的降临仿佛是一只无形的手推动之上海快速成长。

8.The Shanghai world expo, the sea image ambassador, is open enthusiasm arms, with a confident smile toward us, tender.上海世博会的形象大使——海宝,正张开热情的双臂,带着自信的微笑,向我们款款走来。

9.Prince Andrew will also attend the UK National Pavipon Day of the Shanghai World Expo as head of the British delegation.安德鲁王子还将作为英国代表团团长,出席上海世博会英国国家馆日活动。

10.The Yin Chu capsized in a busy and narrow waterway off the Shanghai World Expo site apparently after a door was inadvertently left open.寅初号货船是在忘记关闭一扇舱门的情况下沉没在了离上海世博会场地不远的繁忙和狭窄的水道上。