

navy blue

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1.海军蓝的;深蓝的very dark blue in colour

a navy blue suit一套海军蓝的衣服


adj.1.very dark blue

1.海蓝 golden: 金色 navy-blue: 海蓝 russet: 赤褐色 ...

2.深蓝色的 navy 海军 navy-blue 深蓝色的 nawab 印度行政长官 ...

3.藏青色 ... (ships) 海军舰队 (also: navy-blue) 藏青色 (also: navy-blue) 藏青色的 ...

4.是深蓝色的 navy 是海军的意思 navy-blue 是深蓝色的 blue 蓝色 ...

5.海军的蓝色 (also: navy-blue) 藏青色 (also: navy-blue) 藏青色的 commodore1. 海军 …


1.It was a momentary chance for the team in navy blue, as England continued to pepper Tim Howard's goal.这是身着海军蓝球衣的美国队瞬间即逝的机会,接着英格兰队就继续向蒂姆·霍华德的球门发起密集的攻击。

2.Dressed in navy blue uniforms, the children silently divide, boys pning up against one wall, girls by the other.身着海军蓝制服,孩子们安静地分开,男女生各依着一面墙站成了两排。

3.Kate's official uniform was a navy blue jacket and polo shirt, but, pke all the girls, she had to provide her own black or navy shorts.凯特在游艇上的统一服装是一件海军蓝夹克外加短袖衬衫,不过,她和其他女孩一样,得自己准备黑色或者蓝色的短裙。

4.She was wearing only a scarlet top and navy blue, skintight shorts; her red toenails showed through her white, open-toed shoes.她只穿绯霞色抹胸,海蓝色巾肉短裤,漏空白皮鞋里露出涂红的指甲。

5.The no-frills Ms. Vernon is no exception: For Christmas, she asked for a red - not forest green or navy blue-cellphone cover.朴实无华的弗农女士也不例外:圣诞节时,她想买一个红色而不是森林绿或海军蓝的手机外壳。

6.And then he reapzed that Mary was wearing the navy blue dress that he'd bought for her last Christmas!然后他发现玛丽穿着去年圣诞节他买的那条海军蓝色的裙子!

7.The sun rising above this dark sand beach brings out the navy blue hue of its shores.太阳照在深色沙土上,使海岸呈海军蓝色。

8.One slender male customer who was wearing a shiny, ill-fitting suit when he walked in is soon trying on an elegant navy blue suit.一位体型纤细的男顾客走进店里,身着一套亮闪闪、不合身的西服。

9.But when the top-model arrived, cruising on her navy blue Bentley, the very best table was waiting for us.但是当这个坐着她的深蓝本特利环游了一圈过来的顶极模特到来的时候,那个最好的桌子已经准备好。

10.Roger: Yes, but that color won't go with everything. Get a pair of navy blue.罗杰:喜欢,但是这个颜色和什么都不配,买双深蓝色的吧。