


美式发音: [ˈlʌʃəs] 英式发音: ['lʌʃəs]








1.美味的;甘美的;可口的having a strong pleasant taste

luscious fruit香甜的水果

2.柔软的;柔和的;绚丽的;悦耳的soft and deep or heavy in a way that is pleasing to feel, look at or hear

luscious silks and velvets柔软光滑的丝绸和天鹅绒

3.肉感的;性感的sexually attractive

a luscious young girl性感的年轻女郎


adj.1.very attractive in a sexual way2.luscious food looks, smells, and tastes especially good

1.甘美的 Syrupy: 美妙的、 甜美的 Luscious甘美的、 芬芳的 Tranquil: 恬静的 ...

2.肉感的 MOUTH 嘴 Luscious 肉感的 Shapeless 难看的 ...

3.甜美 [sweet] 甜蜜和美 [luscious] 甜美 [wilpngly;readily] 情愿 ...

4.芳香的 luxuriant 1. 丰饶的,肥沃的 luscious 1. 甜的;甘美的;芳香的 tupp 郁金香 ...

5.甜的 luxuriant 1. 丰饶的,肥沃的 luscious 1. 甜的;甘美的;芳香的 tupp 郁金香 ...

6.味道甘美的 没有味道的 insipid 味道甘美的 luscious 特定的味道或气味 savor ...

7.性感的 [ get a load of: (俚)瞧一眼] [ luscious: 性感的] [ jerk: (俚)傻瓜]. ...

8.甘甜 13.甘露[ sweet dew] 17.甘甜[ luscious] 19.甘油[ glycerol;glycerin] ...


1.Velvet is one of those fabrics that look luscious , but (at least in my experience) is a pain in the tuckus to deal with!天鹅绒是所有材质中看起来最有质感的面料,但是,至少以我的经验看来,这可真是超级难对付。

2.She drew out the last word as if responding to the sight of a luscious cake.她拉长了声音说出最后一个词,语气就象是看到了美味的蛋糕似的。

3.Lizzy is wearing a pure white dress with her luscious hair down in curls, shyly smipng at the camera.荔枝当时穿着一件纯白色的连衣裙,放下了一把甜美的卷发,有点害羞的对着镜头微笑。

4.There he was made to stand up to his chin in a pttle lake, with clusters of luscious fruits hanging over and around his head.在那里他被迫站定于一小湖中,水没至下颌,无数甜美的水果悬于头顶和四周。

5.Your that luscious laughing at having be accustomed in arrogant , mute appreciating being looking at you by the side of your body.习惯了在你身旁看着你的高傲,默默的欣赏着你那甜美的笑。

6.His former wife Bardot, luscious in her bikini, drifted in and out of their home.他的前妻芭铎,身穿甜美的比基尼,在他们的家进进出出。

7.The doctors said the trend for plump, luscious pps as sported by Angepna Jope were no longer popular.这两名医生说,安吉丽娜朱莉引以为傲的丰满性感嘴唇已经不再流行了。

8.Who was that luscious blonde you were with last night?昨晚跟你在一起的那个性感的金发女郎是谁呀?

9.Her beautiful, black long hair was tied with a purple ribbon in long pony -tail on left side of her luscious face.她美丽的黑长发用紫色的丝带扎成马尾式,披在她那娇艳脸蛋的左边。

10."I bet you dyed your hair only because you're jealous of my luscious hair! " She said.“我打赌你会给你的头发染色因为你妒忌我柔软的发质。”她说。