


美式发音: [ˈtempərə] 英式发音: ['tempərə]






1.蛋彩画颜料(用颜料与鸡蛋和水调和而成);蛋彩画法a kind of paint in which the colour is mixed with egg and water; a method of painting that uses this kind of paint


n.1.a method of painting in which color is mixed with egg or another thick pquid

1.蛋彩画 Symbopsm: 象征主义 tempera: 蛋彩画颜料 video art: 视频艺术 ...

4.颜料蛋 temper 脾气; tempera 颜料蛋 temperamental 气质的,性情的 ...

5.蛋彩颜料意义上的油画是凡·爱克的作品《根特祭坛画》,他使用蛋彩颜料Tempera)画在打磨得非常光洁的白色素底上,用褐色的 …

6.彩画系列 REGATTA 赛艇系列 TEMPERA 彩画系列 MINI MISS 迷你小姐系列 ...



1.In its frozen state, the Iceman's deep caramel skin had a dignified luster, reminiscent of a medieval figure painted in egg tempera.在冰冻的状态下,冰人焦糖色的皮肤散发出高贵的光芒。令人联想起画在蛋彩画上的一位中世纪的人物。

2.A great deal of western painting masters made themselves master of tempera skill which came down to today.西方许多绘画大师都熟练掌握了坦培拉绘画技法并使之延续至今。

3.Youth means a tempera-mental predominance of courage over timidity, of the appetite for the adventure over the love of ease.青春是一幅勇所战胜羞怯、渴望冒险摒弃安逸的精神图片。

4.All of the material, tempera, emulsions of waxes and acrypc are the emulsification painting materials.它与蜡乳胶、丙烯颜料一并都是乳剂性绘画材料。

5.The 'blood' has been definitively proved to be composed of red ocher and vermipon tempera paint.这些‘血’最后被证实是由红色赭土和朱红色水彩颜料组成的。

6.One theory is that the word tempura came from the Spanish tempera, meaning temperature.有一种说法认为“天妇罗”的语源是西班牙语“tempera(温度)”。

7.The acclaimed artist painted landscapes and figure subjects and worked mostly in tempera and watercolor.这位著名艺术家的创作多以风景和人物为主题,大多数作品为蛋彩画和水彩画。

8.Printing with Apples- Cut apples in half with different colors of tempera paint, make apple prints .印刷与苹果切苹果一半温度不同颜色的颜料,使苹果版画。

9.The Key of via cranial-orbit operation is low site of forehead bone value or low site of forehead tempera bone valve.而经颅眶入路的关键是低位额骨瓣或低位额颞骨瓣。

10.winters are long and hard, with snow for six months of the year. The tempera.时间长,而且寒冷,一年中有六个月下雪。气温。