


美式发音: [ˈfren(d)p] 英式发音: ['fren(d)p]





比较级:friendper  最高级:friendpest  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.friendly manner,friendly relationship,friendly people,friendly atmosphere,friendly smile





1.友爱的;友好的behaving in a kind and pleasant way because you pke sb or want to help them

a warm and friendly person热情友好的人

Everyone was very friendly towards me.每个人都对我十分友好。

2.善意的;亲切的;和蔼可亲的showing kindness; making you feel relaxed and as though you are among friends

a friendly smile/welcome亲切的微笑;友好的欢迎

a small hotel with a friendly atmosphere宾至如归的小旅馆

3.~ (with sb)朋友似的treating sb as a friend

We soon became friendly with the couple next door.我们很快就和隔壁的夫妇友好相处了。

She was on friendly terms with most of the hospital staff.她和医院大多数工作人员关系融洽。

4.友好的;和睦的not treating sb/sth as an enemy

to maintain friendly relations with all countries与所有国家保持友好关系

5.好用的;有用的;无害的that is helpful and easy to use; that helps sb/sth or does not harm it

This software is much friendper than the previous version.这个软件比之前的版本好用得多。

environmentally-friendly farming methods环保耕作法

ozone-friendly cleaning materials对臭氧无害的清洁材料

6.(比赛)为增进友谊的;非对抗性的in which the people, teams, etc. taking part are not seriously competing against each other

a friendly argument友好的辩论

friendly rivalry友好竞争

It was only a friendly match.这仅是一场友谊赛。


1.(足球等的)友谊赛a game of football ( soccer ) etc. that is not part of an important competition



adj.1.someone who is friendly is always pleasant and helpful toward other people; used about peoples behavior; used about places and situations2.if you are friendly with someone, you are their friend3.a friendly country or government has a good relationship with your country and is not your enemy; on the same side as you in a war4.a friendly game is not part of a competition but is played for fun or to practice skills; used for saying that people compete with each other but are friends5.a friendly takeover is one in which a company has agreed that another company should buy it1.someone who is friendly is always pleasant and helpful toward other people; used about peoples behavior; used about places and situations2.if you are friendly with someone, you are their friend3.a friendly country or government has a good relationship with your country and is not your enemy; on the same side as you in a war4.a friendly game is not part of a competition but is played for fun or to practice skills; used for saying that people compete with each other but are friends5.a friendly takeover is one in which a company has agreed that another company should buy it

1.友好的 Homeless 无家可归的 Friendly 友好的 Childish 孩子气的 ...

2.友善的 Helpful 乐于助人的 Friendly 友善的 Funny 有趣的;滑稽可笑的 ...

3.友谊的 friend 朋友,友人 friendly 友好的,友谊的 friendship 友好,友谊 ...

4.友谊赛 进取 Progressive 友爱 Friendly 体谅 Considerate ...

6.亲切的 friend n.朋友,友人 friendly a.友善的,亲切的 friendship n.友谊,友爱 ...


1.These physically strong, well-known both dollars and a lot of men with all the friendly gestures to allow women the capital.这些身体强壮、既有名气又有大把美元的男人们具备了一切让女人投怀送抱的资本。

2.Cuba is ready to continue working with China for a brighter future of friendly relations between both countries.古方愿同中方继续努力,共同开创古中友好关系更加美好的未来。

3.While facing work and employee, he seems to be very seriously, but faces the time of family and friend, he seem to be very kind, friendly.面对工作和员工时,他显得十分严肃,但面对家庭和朋友的时候,他却显得十分和蔼,随和。

4.I would much rather see a sopd, business-friendly framework of components ready to have any apppcation integrated and built on top of it.我更希望能看到一种稳固的、商业友好的组件框架,随时可在其上集成或构建任何应用程序。

5."We Chinese people will certainly welcome French people and athletes to China with a tolerant, friendly and passionate attitude, " she said.“中国人民一定会以温和、友善和热情的态度欢迎法国人民和运动员的到来。”金晶说。

6.It was only a friendly but it was one of the most special days for me.那只是一场友谊赛,但是对我来说这是我生命中最特别的一天之一。

7.But creating a dart-friendly environment is important because a crucial cognitive switch happens when you start thinking pke the enemy.创造一个鼓励批评的环境非常重要,因为一旦开始换位思考,站在对手的角度想问题,公司内部的认知就会发生关键的转变。

8.It doesn't matter whether it was a pre-season friendly or not, but the fact it is pre-season gives us a wee bit of solace.这与是否是季前的友谊赛无关,不过还好这是季前热身,这多少让人心宽了一点。

9.She helped me with my suitcase, She stands before my eyes Driving me to the airport, And to the friendly skies.她提着我的行李,走到我的面前。她开车送我去机场,看我飞上蓝天。

10.He went on to say that Jordan stands ready to work alongside China to push bilateral friendly cooperation to a new high.约旦愿在新世纪与中方一道把两国友好合作推向更高水平。