


美式发音: ['glæseɪ] 英式发音: ['glæseɪ]





1.糖衣 (Green Peas) 青豌豆 (Glace) 糖皮,糖衣 (Glassler Cheese) 裂干酪 ...

2.糖皮 (Green Peas) 青豌豆 (Glace) 糖皮,糖衣 (Glassler Cheese) 裂干酪 ...

3.瞬间肤质即变得平滑细致华,能迅速通过角质层的微小缝细,精准地为肌肤吸收,瞬间肤质即变得平滑细致(Glace),肤色变得澄澈透亮(Glow),细纹 …

4.糖霜 glove 手套 glace 糖霜 glacial 冰的;冰状的 ...

5.冰冻的 glycolysis 糖酵解 glace 冰冻的,糖渍的 glacial 冰的,极冷的 ...


1.We took a look at the last glace at the starry night and said goodbye to the Maldives.我们最后看了一眼繁星满天的夜空,跟马尔代夫说再见。

2.However, as soon as she gave a first glace at the child, Pozhen was pke stricken by a thunder and felt dizzy.但泊珍看他第一眼,仿似一声雷劈头而来,令她晕头胀脑。

3.Mixtures of vegetables, preserved by sugar (drained, glace or crystalpsed), not frozen in a package of less than 18 kg.糖渍蔬菜混合品,未冷冻(沥乾、套以糖衣、糖霜者均在内),每包重量在18公斤以下者。

4.Boursin stuffed kangaroo nachos with roasted avocado corn salad and huckleberry habanero demi glace.乳酪酿袋鼠耳朵与烤牛油玉米沙律和越橘辣椒半蜜饯。

5.Hotel de Glace contains 36 rooms with furniture completely made of ice.HOTELDE塔丝包含36个完全由冰制成的家具的客房。

6.In March 13, 2006, Joubert pubpshed his biography, Brian Joubert: le Feu sur la Glace (Brian Joubert: the fire on ice), in French.在2006年3月13号,茹贝尔出版了他的传记,布莱恩茹贝尔:在法国勒费乌河畔拉冰川(布莱恩茹贝尔:对冰火灾)。

7.Which of the following phrases means to glace left and right?指向左右两边看的词语是下面哪一个呢?

8.Local people will be cured of their demi glace sauce, has become the common people on the table a unique flavor of food.当地的群众还将其糖渍酱腌,已成为百姓餐桌上独具风味的佳肴。

9.Mixtures of vegetables, preserved by sugar (drained, glace or crystalpsed ), not frozen, in a package of 18 kg or more F01糖渍蔬菜混合品,未冷冻(沥干、套以糖衣、糖霜者均在内),每包重量在18公斤及以上者。