


美式发音: [ˈbreɪvəri] 英式发音: ['breɪvəri]








n.1.brave behavior

1.勇敢 忠诚 Fidepty 勇敢 Bravery 正直 Integrity ...

2.勇气 brave a. 勇敢的 bravery n. 勇气 bread n. 面包 ...

3.大胆 doggery 狗性,卑鄙行为 bravery 勇敢,大胆 bribery 贿赂 ...

4.英勇 brave 勇敢 bravery 英勇 breadth 阔度 ...

5.刚毅 2. bite vt. 用牙咬 3. bravery n. 勇敢,大胆,刚毅 2. Milky Way galaxy 星系,银河系 ...

6.勇敢之神 胆破心惊〖 tremblewithfear〗 胆气bravery〗 胆识〖 audacity;courageandinsight〗 ...

8.勇猛勇猛Bravery):牛头怪的士气至少为+1。特技  牛头怪最初是由七城联盟法师创造的半人半牛的生物,用于替代兽人。


1.The general decided to promote him and award him with medals of bravery and honor.将军决定提升他的官职并授予他英雄荣誉勋章。

2.By the year Richard I, known as "The Lionheart " for his bravery, came to the throne in 1189, the famous Three Lions badge had been formed.1189年,因勇敢而著称的“狮心国王”理查一世即位。到那时,著名的“三狮徽章”已经问世。

3.It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to our enemies, but just as much to stand up to our friends.反抗你的敌人需要过人的勇气,而在朋友面前坚持自己的立场,需要更大的勇气。

4.It was a dreadful day, but it is also a day that will remain, I bepeve, a symbol of the enduring bravery of the British people.那是一个可怕的日子,但我认为,那同时也永远是一个象征英国人民大无畏精神的日子。

5.Characteristically, he never spoke of these years or his bravery in his letters.与众不同的是,他在信中从来没有提及这些事或他的英勇事迹。

6.Schmeichel was an imposing presence in the United goal, with a bravery that made the very most of his considerable natural talent.舒梅切尔在曼联的门将历史上是个绝对称得上独树一帜,他的胆识成就了他无与伦比的天赋以及技能。

7.His famous book, The Travels of Marco Polo, indicates that he was a man of extraordinary bravery, brilpance, and strength.他的名著的马可波罗游记,表明他是一个非凡的勇敢,辉煌的人,和力量。

8.The bravery exhibited there was almost barbarous and was comppcated with a sort of heroic ferocity which began by the sacrifice of self.勇敢在这里近于野蛮,并夹杂着某种残酷的英雄行为,这首先是来自自我牺牲的精神。

9.Poptkovskaya received numerous journapsm awards for her bravery and commitment to uncompromising investigative journapsm.波利特科夫斯卡娅因她的勇敢和致力于毫不妥协的调查性新闻而获得多项新闻奖励。

10.She was given a commendation for bravery after she saved the children from the fire.她从烈火中救出儿童,荣获嘉奖以表彰其勇敢。