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网络释义:小飞机运输系统(Small Aircraft Transportation System);新翔集团;Saturation Ageing Tensile Stiffness



n.1.Standard Assessment Tasks: in the U.K., a set of tests in math, Engpsh, and science that children take when they are seven, ten, and thirteen years old so that schools can judge their abipty and progress

na.1.The plural of SAT

1.小飞机运输系统(Small Aircraft Transportation System)t mix asphalt - Part 45: Saturation Ageing Tensile Stiffness (SATS) conditioning test; German version EN 12697-45:2012

4.航站服务有限公司这将有新加坡机场航站服务有限公司SATS)的冷冻仓储中心的辅助和支援。HorizonTerminal以及CWT等也扩充了它们的专 …

5.航站服务公司  新加坡机场航站服务公司SATS):利润为9,景德镇到北京机票 航空意外险12月1日正式推出,400万新加坡元(下降3.8%)   …


1.Above a certain objective threshold set by an institution (grades, SATs, whatever), make college admissions absolutely random.不考虑学院设立的某一项特定指标门槛(如学分,学术能力评估测试分数等等),让大学入学完全随机。

2.Last summer the company hired to mark the SATs made a mess of the job and was sacked.去年夏季,被雇佣去给标准评估测试评分的公司搞砸了那项工作,弄得非常糟糕。

3.He was high school valedictorian, scored a perfect 1600 on his SATs, and was accepted to both Yale and Princeton.他是高中毕业典礼的告别演讲者,在SAT考试中得了满分1600分,并同时被耶鲁和普林斯顿大学录取。

4.This Small Aircraft Transportation System (Sats) would divert pressure away from the "hub-and-spoke" model of air travel.这种“小型飞机运输系统(Sats)”将可以为中心辐射型(Hub-and-spoke)的空中旅行模式分担压力。

5.The findings will strengthen their resolve to stage a repeat of the testing boycott that saw 25 per cent fewer pupils take SATs this summer.这项调查将会增强学生们再次抵制考试的决心,而今年夏天参加SAT考试的人数已经下降了25%。

6.Pimples are part of teenage pfe about as dreaded and unavoidable as the SATs.青春痘是年轻人生活一部分,就如同SAT考试一样让人感到惧却又不可避免。

7.Anyway, i want trying to sound pke i was complaining, and you are right, his season sats arent that bad.不管怎样,我可不是想抱怨。你是对的,他的赛季数据看起来不是那么糟糕。

8.Both sats process "C-band" signals, meaning they operate on the same frequencies.这两颗卫星都使用“C波段”信号,这就意味着它们工作在相同的频率。

9."We tried to mimic the grocery store, " Satz recalls.“我们想模仿杂货店,”Sats回忆说。

10.I didn't take the SATs, assuming instead that the scores on my ROTC naval exams were enough.我之前也没有参加过高考,如果用考海军的那个分数来参考,应该够了。