


美式发音: [kɒn'fɪt] 英式发音: [kɒn'fɪt]




n.1.meat such as goose, duck, or pork that has been cooked and preserved in its own fat

1.油封酱汁 (丽致餐):这鲑鱼是这辈子吃过最好吃的,利用油封(Confit) 做出非常滑润特殊的口感,介於熟和不熟那临界边缘

2.糖渍带子差不多模样,制造混淆;而「鸭鸭鹅」就是以鸭胸、鸭肉冻Confit)及鹅肝,配上意大利饭及微辣的焦糖所煮,配搭大 …

5.鸭腿和鸭脯单独取下做油封这第一吃是把鸭腿和鸭脯单独取下做油封Confit),这是附加值最大的一吃。将鸭腿、鸭脯用香料腌透,然后完全浸没在清澈 …

6.油封料理油封料理 (confit) 是法国西南部的朗格多克地方的传统料理方法原本的目的是藉以长时间保存肉类 后来发现 利用低温的油脂 把 …

7.鸭腿肉以油封巴黎套餐:帕蒙堤耶式焗烤鸭腿佐松露酱汁;鸭腿肉以油封Confit)处理,去骨留肉 与 马铃薯泥、牛油与松露油调制焗烤, …



1.I finally got to taste it before I left. He took me to his neighborhood restaurant and he served me some of his foie gras, confit foie gras.在我离开前我终于品尝到了他带我去附近的一家餐厅他给了我一些鹅肝酱那真是太美妙了。

2.Characteristic fruitiness with confit flavors. Persistent and elegant on its balanced finish.典型的水果口味,回味和谐而持久,优雅怡人。

3.Round and concentrated with velvety and matured tannins. Characteristic fruitiness with confit flavors.口感酒体圆润,质地紧凑,单宁成熟,有着天鹅绒般的质感。

4.The lacquered pork with that ginger confit. Tuna tartare?姜糖猪肉,金枪鱼,鞑靼牛肉?

5.At that time, his son heir to the boat ride at tower confit to lead a massive imperial fleet remains of the Nile will father sent to Thebes.当时王位继承人,他的儿子莫尼普塔乘坐皇舟率领一支庞大的船队沿尼罗河将父亲的遗体送至底比斯。

6.Today I had one of my favorite meals that I order when I am here, confit de canard.今天我来到这里,就享用了一份自己点的我最青睐的美餐之一:confitdecanard。

7.Some nights if we've been really busy we will get the confit lamb tongues or pig cheeks out of their fat and put them on the menu.有的时候,如果我们非常忙,我们会将小肥羊舌头或猪脸脱脂,然后写入菜单。

8.Run by Chef Stefan Stiller, the menu changes on a regular basis with offerings such as Black Truffle Tortelpni and Duck Confit.主厨StefanStiller是餐厅的主人,菜单定期更换,提供黑松露通心粉和油封鸭。

9.Scottish Langoustines with Lemon Mayonnaise Pressed Confit of Pork Belly with Crayfish and Crackpng苏格兰龙虾+柠檬蛋黄酱酥皮猪肚+脆皮小龙虾

10.poached coturnix quail breast, steamed truffle brioche, confit egg yolk, fumet of vin jaune, white walnuts水煮鹌鹑肉脯,白核桃原汁,葡萄酒,松露奶油,煨蛋黄