




1.一个选择 ... Multiple choice questions 不定项选择题 one choice 单项选择题 multiple choice 多项选择题 ...

3.单一选择 ... "Question" 问题", "One choice" 单一选择", "Multiple choices" 多重选择", ...


1.If so, the Assads have one choice left, which is how much blood to spill to delay their day of reckoning.若是这样,阿萨德政府就只剩下一个选择:为了推迟他们的最后审判日,还需要流多少血。

2.It is meaningful to compare the difficulty of one-choice questions with that of multiple-Choice questions in a standardized examination.在标准化考试中对单项选择题和多项选择的难度进行比较是很有意义的。

3.When he's finally captured, the law enforcement has only one choice - make him one of their own - for it takes a rat to catch a one.当他最后被捕获时,执法者只有一个选择——让他成为他们中的一员——因为要用这只老鼠去捉另一只。

4.One choice is using a piece of the 700-bilpon-dollar bailout fund used to help the financial industry.一个出路就是从金融业救市基金中抽取一部分以助其渡过难关。

5.Chloe was facing a different dilemma , for it was time for dessert, and though she had only one choice, she had more than one desire.克洛艾面对的却是一个不同的难题。到吃甜点的时候了,尽管只能挑选一种。她却期望有更多的选择。

6.Structuring your code to make calls on a connection to a remote VM's MBean server is one choice available to you.组织代码,以对远程虚拟机的MBean服务器的连接进行调用,是一种可行的选择。

7.A real call to arms is only one choice to cut the spending and keep a financial balance.一个真正的战斗的号令只有一个选择,那便是精简开支,保持财政平衡。

8."They have only one choice if they fail the interviews - try again next year, " she said.如果他们面试失败,他们只有一个选择,明年再来。

9.He was Loyal to this mission, But on a search without answers. He was left with one choice. No one will escape the impact.他尽忠职守,但陷入一段没有结果的调查。他只有一个选择。没有人可以躲过它的影响。

10.The same as the last time, he just had one choice and he could never turn back.其间同样只能砍一次,以及同样只可以向前走,不能回头。