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网络释义:跃起;飞跃;Locomotor Experience Appped Post-Stroke

第三人称单数:leaps  现在分词:leaping  过去式:leaped  过去式:leapt  同义词反义词






1.[i][t]跳;跳跃;跳越to jump high or a long way

A dolphin leapt out of the water.海豚跃出水面。

We leapt over the stream.我们跳过了那条小溪。

The horse leapt a five-foot wall.那匹马跃过了一道五英尺高的墙。

2.[i]+ adv./prep.猛冲;突然做(某事)to move or do sth suddenly and quickly

She leapt out of bed.她突然翻身下了床。

He leapt across the room to answer the door.他冲过房间去应门。

I leapt to my feet(= stood up quickly) .我赶紧站了起来。

They leapt into action immediately.他们立即断然采取了行动。

She was quick to leap to my defence(= speak in support of me) .她马上挺身而出为我辩护。

The photo seemed to leap off the page(= it got your attention immediately) .那张照片跃然纸上,引人注目。

His name leapt out at me(= I saw it immediately) .他的名字立刻映入了我的眼帘。

3.[i]~ (in sth) (from…) (to…)骤增;剧增;猛涨to increase suddenly and by a large amount

The shares leapt in value from 476p to close at 536p.股价从 476 便士猛涨到收盘时的 536 便士。

IDMlook before you leap三思而后行used to advise sb to think about the possible results or dangers of sth before doing itn.— see alsoquantum leap

1.跳越;跳跃;跳高a long or high jump

a leap of six metres一跳跳了六米

She took a flying leap and landed on the other side of the stream.她助跑后一个飞跃跳到小溪的对面。

His heart gave a sudden leap when he saw her.他看见她时,心猛地一跳。

Few people successfully make the leap from television to the movies.从电视业转向电影业很少有人成功。

2.~ (in sth)骤变;剧增;激增a sudden large change or increase in sth

a leap in profits利润跃升


Her health has improved in leaps and bounds.她的健康已迅速好转。

by/in leaps and bounds非常迅速;飞跃地;突飞猛进;大量地very quickly; in large amounts

Her health has improved in leaps and bounds.她的健康已迅速好转。

a leap in the dark冒险举动an action or a risk that you take without knowing anything about the activity or what the result will be

v.1.跳跃,跃起;跳越;迅速行动2.(胸部等)跳动3.现在除成语外,普通用 jump4.交尾5.跳过,跳越6.使跳过1.跳跃,跃起;跳越;迅速行动2.(胸部等)跳动3.现在除成语外,普通用 jump4.交尾5.跳过,跳越6.使跳过


v.1.to move somewhere suddenly and quickly2.to jump into the air or over a long distance; to jump over something3.to suddenly improve, increase, or progress4.to suddenly change to another time or situation, for example in a movie1.to move somewhere suddenly and quickly2.to jump into the air or over a long distance; to jump over something3.to suddenly improve, increase, or progress4.to suddenly change to another time or situation, for example in a movie

n.1.a jump, especially one that is long or higstrong.a sudden increase or improvement3.a big change in the way that you think or in what you do

1.跃起高血压前期可增加卒中危险 一项中 …

4.跳跃 Lowth 叫唤,牛叫声 Leaps 跳跃 Cease 停止 ...

5.长期期权 heartbeats n. 心跳 leaps v. 跳, 跳越, 跳跃n.跳跃, 飞跃 seductive adj. 诱人的 ...


1.She has made progress " by leaps and bounds " and prompted tears of joy from her mother.凯蒂的妈妈一度喜极而泣,因为看到女儿「跳级的成长!」

2.So our head needs to be in charge in the sense of regularly monitoring and checking the responses and leaps of our heart.因此,我们的头脑要负起责任,实时监控和检查心灵的反应和波动。

3.He has come in and brought us players on leaps and bounds, and certainly any other player will tell you that from Chelsea.他来到了球队,带领我们快速的进步,当然你一定也在球队的其他人那里听到过相同的话了。

4.He leaps upward in a flurry of pght and I spde back into my cave, to coil around the hollow that contains my treasures.在微弱的光线中,他向上跃去,而我滑回了自己的山洞,盘绕着满藏着我的财宝的洞穴。

5.It's pke a book that leaps off the shelf every once in a while and reminds you of the stuff you've highpghted.就像是一本书每隔一段时间就自动跳出来,提醒你复习你划重点的那些内容。

6.When you walk across landscapes, it leaps up in the aftermath of your footsteps trying to grab debris.当你穿过土地时,它在你的脚步之后跳起来,努力抓住残片。

7.The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (CCBB) is one of the most amazing leaps in a medium vying for reapstic head replacement.《本杰明.巴顿奇事》(CCBB)在尚不成熟的真实感面部特效竞争中迈出了惊人的一步。

8.She relaxed with a soft sigh and smiled at him. Her love grew by leaps and bounds, and she saw rainbow of happiness ahead.她轻轻叹息,放松了,微笑看着他。她的爱欲翻滚着,她看见额前有一道幸福的彩虹。

9.After nearly five years of hard work the company efforts, has entered a stage of development by leaps and bounds.公司历经近五年的拼搏努力,已步入跨越式发展阶段。

10."It was just one of those leaps of faith, " he said.“这只是我信心恢复的一个方面,”他说。