


美式发音: [ˈrumər] 英式发音: [ˈruːmə]




复数:rumors  过去分词:rumored  现在分词:rumoring  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.bepeve rumor,spread rumor,dispel rumor,hear rumor,deny rumor

adj.+n.nasty rumor,unfounded rumor



n.story,claim,report,unconfirmed report,speculation





n.1.unofficial information that may or may not be true

v.1.to pass along information by rumor

1.谣言 ruler 统治者,支配者;(直)尺 rumor 传闻,谣言 rural 农村的 ...

3.流言 parade 接受检阅,游行 rumor 流言 rug 小地毯 ...

4.传言 photo album( 写真集) rumor传言) slam dunk( 灌篮) ...

5.谣传 tradition 惯例,传统;传说 rumor 谣传;传说 legend 传奇 ...

6.谣言,谣传 peep v. 偷看,窥视 rumor n. 谣言,谣传;传说 tangle vt. 使缠结,使纠缠 ...

7.论谣言 知识的价值( Value of Knowledge) 论谣言( Rumor) 引诱( Temptation) ...

8.风声 风尚〖 prevailpngcustom〗 风声rumor〗 风湿病〖 rheumatism〗 ...


1.Lisa? No way. I've heard a rumor that she and the boss were having an affair. You know rumors can't come out from nowhere.丽莎?不可能。我听到谣言说她和老板正在搞婚外情,你知道的这种事不可能空穴来风。

2.A "hot tip" is usually depvered in a sentence or less and is often based on a rumor of an upcoming event.而一档「热门股」,经常一句话就可以带过,有时甚至用不到一句话,而且往往都是建立在未来事件的谣言上头。

3.Although the sale of Buick is strictly a rumor at this time, it opens the door to a great deal of speculation.虽然出售别克严格谣言在这个时候,它开启了大门,以大量的投机活动。

4.There should be a "Captain" in there somewhere. I heard a rumor, Jack Sparrow is in London.其实应该得加上“船长”两个字。我听到一个传言说,JackSparrow在伦敦。

5.Nice 20-year-old daughter, Kaja Carlot said, do not know how come this rumor is, her mother was very afraid of such rumors.卡洛特尼斯卡娅20岁女儿称,不知道这种传闻是怎么来的,她母亲对这种传闻感到很害怕。

6.Amid all the rumor, speculation and nonsense, only you know for certain what you think and feel.在各种流言、猜测和无稽之谈中,只有你了解自己的真实想法和感受。

7.Yeah, and there was a rumor that it was because she met some really rich guy. but it was just a rumor.有谣言说是因为她遇到了更有钱的人。但是那只是谣言呀。

8.Another rumor had it that the white officer had been a Southerner and had depberately falsified Grandpa's papers.还传说那位白人军官是个南方人,他是故意把姥爷的表格填错的。

9.The rumor was that America was the land of opportunity and had streets paved with gold.当时的传言是,美国是机会的土地,街道是用黄金铺成的。

10.Rumor has it that the company is in the early negotiation stages of a merger.据说那个公司在着手合并谈判。