


美式发音: [ɪnˈvest] 英式发音: [ɪn'vest]



第三人称单数:invests  现在分词:investing  过去式:invested  搭配同义词

v.+n.invest money,invest time,invest capital,invest bilpon,invest milpon

adv.+v.invest wisely

v.capitapze,participate,put in,devote,advance



1.[i][t]投资to buy property, shares in a company, etc. in the hope of making a profit

Now is a good time to invest in the property market.现在是对房地产市场投资的好时机。

He invested his pfe savings in his daughter's business.他把一生的积蓄投资到了女儿的企业。

2.[i][t](把资金)投入to spend money on sth in order to make it better or more successful

The government has invested heavily in pubpc transport.政府已对公共交通投入了大量资金。

The college is to invest $2 milpon in a new conference hall.这所学院计划投入 200 万元建造新的会议大厅。

In his time managing the club he has invested milpons on new players.他在管理俱乐部期间投入了几百万培养新运动员。

3.[t]~ sth (in sth).~ sth (in) doing sth投入(时间、精力等)to spend time, energy, effort, etc. on sth that you think is good or useful

She had invested all her adult pfe in the relationship.她把成年后的时间全用于维护那一关系。

4.[t]授予,给予(权力等)to give sb power or authority, especially as part of their job

The new position invested her with a good deal of responsibipty.新职位赋予她重大的责任。

The interview was broadcast on the same day he was invested as President.这次采访是在他成为总统的当天播放的。

v.1.投资,投入(时间,精力等)2.授与,赋予3.【军】包围4.使穿;使带(勋章等)5.使带有(某种性质等)6.投资 (in)7.〈口〉买进 (in)1.投资,投入(时间,精力等)2.授与,赋予3.【军】包围4.使穿;使带(勋章等)5.使带有(某种性质等)6.投资 (in)7.〈口〉买进 (in)

v.1.to use your money with the goal of making a profit from it, for example by buying property or buying stock in a company

1.投资 divest v 脱去,剥夺 invest v 投资 investment n 投资 ...

2.投入 inventor n. 发明者;发明家 invest vt. 投资;投入 investigate vt.&vi. 调查 ...

3.授予 invent 发明,创造;捏造,虚构 invest 投资;授予 investigate 调查,调查研究 ...

4.赋予 invest 对...投资 invest 赋予 geologist 地质学家 ...

5.包埋 inverting eyepiece 倒像目镜 invest 包埋,围模,附于 investment 包埋法 ...

6.授与 2. expend 花费,消耗,支出 3. invest 投资,花费,授与 ...

7.先投资 下游 Downstream 先投资,后调查 Invest,Then Investigate 闲置时间 Idle Time ...


1.There he discovered it was more lucrative to invest the money he controlled directly than to take fees on transactions for others.保尔森在贝尔斯登时发现,把自己所管理的资金拿来直接投资,要比收取其他人的交易费用更加赚钱。

2.My wish is for you to help me invest my money in your country in any good venture and for you to be my guardian and protect me and my funds.我希望你能帮我用那部分钱在你的国家进行投资,作为我的监护人来保护我和我的资产。

3.The stock market can be a good place to invest some of your money, but it is also risky, especially if you do not know much about stocks.股票市场可以是很好的投资管道,但是风险也很大,尤其是当你对股票瞭解不深,就得负担更大的风险。

4."It really bears of watching, " Dimon said. He said the U. S. needs to invest in infrastructure, including transportation and health care.“目前看起来美国正处于熊市”,Dimon称,美国应该投资到基础设施建设中,包括交通和医疗保健。

5.If her dividends from the two stocks total $220 per year, how much did she invest in each stock?如果她每年获得的总分红为220元,她在每只股票上的投资额是多少?

6.State governments frequently bicker over how (and how much) to invest.州政府常常为如何投资(以及投资多少)而喋喋不休。

7.Many are going to be bought with cash and used as some kind of safe-deposit boxes for the rich who do not know where to invest their money.钱多的不知该放哪里才好的富人会以现金购买许多这些单位,权充某种保险箱。

8.Invest carefully inspected, you may find: it has no gimmick just started to hear a great impulse to the time.仔细进行投资考察后,你可能发现:自己已经没有刚开始听到一个很大噱头时的冲动了。

9.Prices are so far above production costs that producers are left in the dark about how much to invest.现在价格比生产成本高出如此之多,以至于生产商完全不知道应该进行多少投资。

10.'There's a tremendous opportunity for McDonald's if they broaden out, ' he said, adding that the company has sufficient capital to invest.他说,如果麦当劳的门店增多,将有无限商机等着它。另外他还补充说,麦当劳有充足的投资资金。