


美式发音: [ˈdʒenjuɪn] 英式发音: ['dʒenjuɪn]




adj.+n.genuine feepng,genuine concern,genuine satisfaction,genuine attempt,genuine desire




1.真的;名副其实的real; exactly what it appears to be; not artificial

Is the painting a genuine Picasso?这幅画是毕加索的真迹吗?

Fake designer watches are sold at a fraction of the price of the genuine article .伪造的名牌手表以真品若干分之一的价格出售。

Only genuine refugees can apply for asylum.只有真正的难民才能申请政治避难。

2.真诚的;诚实的;可信赖的sincere and honest; that can be trusted

He made a genuine attempt to improve conditions.他真心实意地努力改善环境。

genuine concern for others对他人真诚的关心

a very genuine person非常诚实可信的人


adj.1.real, rather than pretended or false; used about people; used about objects2.honest, friendly and sincere

1.真正的 genus n 种类,类属 genuine a 真正的,纯正的 ingenuous a 天真的;老实的 ...

2.真诚的 6,Fascinate 有吸引力的;倾倒的 7,Genuine 真正的;真诚的 8,Handicap 阻碍;拖累   a. …

3.真的 imitation 菲品 genuine 真的 fake 假的 ...

4.真实的 genesis n. 起初,起源 genuine a. 真正的,真实的,纯朴的 generapty n. 概论,概说,大要 ...

5.捷元 Gainward/ 耕宇 Genuine/ 捷元 Gigabyte/ 技嘉 ...

6.真心的 generation 一代;产生 genuine 真心的;坦 诚的 gesture 姿势;姿态; 表 …


1.We know that genuine faith is often tested, but this seems to go beyond what should be asked as a proof of faith.虽然知道真正的信心常受试验,但以此来验证信心似乎过分一点了。

2.A bloodpne that, if it were genuine, would be cataclysmic for the traditional Christian repgions of the world.这条血统关系如果是真实的,将会摧毁这个世界的传统基督教信仰。

3.But taken as a whole, the roadmap appears to be a genuine attempt to be constructive. It is non-partisan, which helps.但总体上来看,路线图似乎确实是真诚地努力想做点实事,而其非政党的特性又有助于此。

4.the questions usual1y grow out of their genuine interest or curiosity, and their impatience to get to the heart of the matter.这些问题通常出自于他们真诚的兴趣或者好奇心,或者来自于他们深入问题核心的不耐烦。

5.At long last, we would be able to convey that there was some genuine accountabipty at Chrysler.我们终于能够向人们宣扬,现在克莱斯勒公司有人真正敢于负责。

6.It was then that the town commissioners decided to fix up Deadwood and make it a genuine historic attraction rather than a phony one.当时,镇专员决定修复了戴德伍德,使它成为真正的历史景点,而不是假的。

7.After all, Mary's running away had been genuine enough; though it had the results that any calculating woman could have foreseen.归根结底说来,玛丽是存心出走的,虽然这事情的后果任何一个有心机的女人都能够预料得到的。

8.Though Russians do not now bepeve it, there was a genuine upsurge of goodwill in the west, and a desire to help.虽然今天的俄罗斯人不相信,但西方确实曾对俄罗斯涌起过善意、真心想帮忙。

9.One can also read the book as a reminder of what would have to be the case for a genuine democracy to function.我们也可以将这本书视作一个提醒:为了真正的民主得以运作,什么是必须具备的。

10.It would be easy to tell if it were easy to identify all genuine news. Sadly, it is not.如果能很容易的识别所有真实的新信息那也就简单了,遗憾地是,这不可能。