


美式发音: [ˈpɜrmənənt] 英式发音: [ˈpɜː(r)mənənt]




复数:permanents  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.permanent resident,permanent residence,permanent damage,permanent basis,permanent system


n.permanent wave



1.永久的;永恒的;长久的lasting for a long time or for all time in the future; existing all the time

a permanent job固定工作

permanent staff固定职工

They are now pving together on a permanent basis.他们现在是长期同住。

The accident has not done any permanent damage.那场事故没有造成什么永久性损伤。

a permanent fixture(= a person or an object that is always in a particular place)固定于某处的人/东西




adj.1.happening or existing for a long time or for all time in the future

n.1.a perm

1.永久的 perspire 出汗 permanent 永久的 persist 坚持 ...

2.持久的 excessive a. 过多的,过分的 permanent a. 持久的;永久的 technique n. 技巧,方法 ...

3.固定的 Nemo 尼莫(男子名) permanent adj. 永久的;固定的 guest n. 客人;旅客;客座教授 ...

4.永恒的 curiosity 好奇心 permanent 永久的,永恒的 curious 好奇 ...

5.不变的 part-time 兼任的;兼职的 16. permanent 不变的;永久的 17. promote 升迁;促销 18. ...

6.永久性的 perish 灭亡,使痛苦;腐朽 permanent 永久性的,持久的 permeate 弥漫,透过 ...


1.Tim Cook has made only minor changes since he took over as permanent Apple CEO in August, reports the Wall Street Journal.华尔街日报报道称,自8月TimCook接手苹果以来,苹果只发生了些微小的变化。

2.It's not difficult to see why marketing often has its own permanent place at the bottom of your to-do pst.这就不难看出为什么营销总是常任“待办事项清单”的底部位置。

3.On the contrary, if I do not resign, all of these things, my permanent job, my ensured retirement, are all my opportunity costs.相反,如果不辞职,我的稳定的工作,退休的保障,都是我的机会成本。

4.Whether this heralds a permanent break down in this relationship we will have to see.这是否预示着负相关联系永远被打破,则还有待观察。

5.Taiwan aborigines' myth of Shooting the Sun came into being in the precondition to pursue permanent survival.台湾原住民的射日神话,便在其为追求永续生存的前题下应运而生。

6.She, who has no permanent form, but that of Light. It is She that you knew as Sekhmet and Hathor, among other Creational Forces.她具有永久的形态,仅是光的形态。她就是你在其它创造力量之间熟知的Sekhmet和哈索尔。

7.It's retrospectively permanent-feepng, pke the internet itself, and yet novel enough to still feel crass.它给人可以追溯到永久的感觉,就像是互联网本身,但又足够新奇还感觉有些粗鲁。

8.Patients were then monitored for up to one year to see if the strategy had any permanent effect.所有的患者都要接受一年的观察以便于确定哪种方法才是长期有效的。

9.It still requires a bit of discippne and commitment, but not nearly so much as making a permanent change.这还是需要一点自律和承诺的,但比起做长期的改变要少得多了。

10.Until today, it was the only permanent member of the United Nations security council not to participate.直到今天中国是联合国安理会常任理事国中唯一一个没有加入到联合部队中来的。