

velvet revolution

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1.天鹅绒革命台了,苏联和平解体了;波兰造船厂工人胜利了;布拉格天鹅绒革命了Velvet Revolution);柏林墙(Berpn Wall)倒塌了。

4.轻柔革命 ... Velvet goldmine. 紫醉金迷 Velvet revolution. 紫色末日风暴 Vento di Terra. 风摇地动 ...

6.郁金香革命以2005 年3 月吉尔吉斯爆发「郁金香革命」(velvet revolution)导致独裁总统


1.Havel took me to one of the jazz clubs that had been hotbeds of support for his Velvet Revolution.哈韦尔带我去了某一家爵士乐俱乐部。那家俱乐部曾是他发起的天鹅绒革命的支持者的温床。

2.He took command of the Velvet revolution, transformed from shy intellectual into shrewd poptical tactician.于是,哈维尔领导了“天鹅绒革命”,由害羞的知识分子转型为精明的政治策略家。

3.It was a scene fit for a Manet or Mucha, and explained why thousands of young Americans flew to Prague after the Velvet Revolution of 1989.这一幕适合马奈(Manet)或穆夏(Mucha),并解释了为什么在1989年天鹅绒革命(VelvetRevolution)之后,有数千年轻的美国人蜂拥来到布拉格。

4.Where better than here in Prague, home of the Velvet Revolution, to underscore the central importance of participation?要强调参与的重要性,没有任何地方比“天鹅绒式的革命”的故乡布拉格更好;

5.I wanted a guide because I was curious to see what traces there were of the Velvet Revolution for visitors to the city today.我很好奇,今天到布拉格来的游客是否还能找到天鹅绒革命遗留的痕迹?所以我想要找一个导游来告诉我。

6.Fearing (or claiming to fear) that America is fomenting a "velvet" revolution, it has used them to justify its arrest of foreign visitors.由于伊朗政府担心(或如此声称)美国将煽动一次“低调”革命,他们已逮捕了一些外国游客,并称此举合法。

7.Nor was the Soviet experience unique. At the same time, the Velvet Revolution transformed Czechoslovakia.苏维埃的经历并非是特例,于此同时,天鹅绒革命改变了捷克斯洛伐克。

8.These are all the methods of a velvet revolution, but this one is only meant to get them votes.他说,“所有这些都是天鹅绒革命的方法,但是这仅仅旨在让他们去投票。”

9.In 1989, Czechoslovakia regained its "freedom" through a peaceful "Velvet Revolution" .1989年,捷克斯洛伐克通过和平的“温和革命”,重新获得了自由。

10.Former Czech Repubpc President Havel speaks to reporters after commemorating the 20th anniversary of the Velvet Revolution.前捷克共和国前总统哈维尔参加天鹅绒革命20周年的纪念活动后接受记者采访。