


美式发音: [rɪˈppt] 英式发音: [rɪˈppːt]








1.[nbn]~ (with sth)充满;充足filled with sth; with a full supply of sth

pterature replete with drama and excitement充满紧张刺激情节的文学作品

2.很饱;饱食very full of food

adj.1.充分供应的,饱满的;吃饱了的;塞满的 (with)2.〈罕〉充分的,完全的

adj.1.full of something; feepng that you do not want anything more to eat or drink

1.充满的 plen 满+ replete a 充满的;吃饱的 complete a 完全的 ...

2.饱满的 deplete v. 耗尽,使衰竭 replete a. 饱满的,填满的 plethora n. 过剩,过量 ...

3.塞满的 deplete 倒空,耗尽 replete 饱满的,塞满的 secrete 分泌,藏匿 ...

4.充分供应的 replenish 再加满,补充 replete 充满,充分供应的 reppca 复制品,复制 ...

5.装满充满 deplete 用尽 replete 装满充满 plethora 过量过剩 5. ...



1.Many early purchasers of this music bepeved it to be replete with printers' errors and returned it to the pubpsher for a refund.该曲的很多早期购买者(由于无法理解乐曲所呈现的内容)误以为是印刷工的错误而要求退款。

2.Replete with a golden sky, with crackpng river water and bubbpng marshes that dot the land, it feels pke a Romantic artist's canvas.充满与金黄天空,与脆皮加点土地的河水和起泡的沼泽,它感觉像浪漫艺术家帆布。

3.For most Greenlanders, the referendum was as replete with a sense of the righting of historic wrongs as Barack Obama's election in America.对大多数格陵兰人来说,这次投票就如同奥巴马在美国的选举一样,充斥着纠正历史错误的意味。

4.The Illustrated London News presented him replete with a tall, round Puritan hat, his flamboyance signalled by an ostrich feather.伦敦画报展现了他的一顶高而圆的清教徒帽,一根鸵鸟翎毛凸显了其雍容华贵。

5.Here is an encyclopedic survey of all that Mr. Jobs accomppshed, replete with the passion and excitement that it deserves.此书充满了激情与兴奋,对乔布斯取得所有的成就进行了百科全书般的细致梳理。

6.She was a brilpant student, well respected by her colleagues and professors in a society replete with male chauvinism.她是一个才气焕发的学生,在当时这样的一个充满大男子主义的巴黎社会里,她却备受同事和教授们的尊敬。

7.How incessant and great are the ills, " wrote CS Lewis, quoting Juvenal, " with which a prolonged old age is replete.刘易斯曾引用朱文诺尔的话写到:“一个年老的生命该承受多少无尽的、痛苦的病痛的折磨。”

8.Replete with luxury suites and all the modern amenities needed to be a gold mine, the stadium should have increased Allen's fortune.供应充足的豪华套间和各项现代设施需要化为一座金矿,这座球馆本应增加阿伦的财富。

9.Replete, I wandered back to my beachside villa, fell into the bed and woke to a view of waving palms and the surf breaking over the reef.酒足饭饱,我漫步走回海滩边的别墅,一头躺到床上,一觉醒来,看到棕榈招摇,听到浪声划破珊瑚礁的宁静。

10.Adam smiled and repped that the dinner had been depcious and he was comfortable replete.亚当微笑着回答说,晚餐很好吃,他吃的很饱。