



美式发音: [ʌnˈpæk] 英式发音: [ʌn'pæk]



第三人称单数:unpacks  现在分词:unpacking  过去式:unpacked  同义词反义词

v.pack up

v.unload,take out,empty,undo,empty out



v.1.to take things out of a suitcase or other container that you were carrying them in2.to explain something difficult by reducing it to small simple stages or by using simpler language3.to increase the size of a file to its original size after it has been reduced using a computer program

1.裸装 tropical packing 适应热带气候的包装 unpacked 散装 vacuum packaging 真空包装 ...

3.仅解压缩 ... 已安装( installed) 仅解压缩Unpacked) 配置失败( Failed-config) ...

4.已脱壳的文件 ... Unpack 脱壳 Unpacked 已脱壳的文件 UnpackMe 供脱壳练习的程序 ...

5.未包装的 ... run out on: 【抛弃】 unpacked: 未包装的 apartment: 公寓 ...

6.打开的 ... 打开(放) on 打开的 unpacked 打开的 unsealed ...

7.无包装的 unpack 分开 unpacked 无包装的 unpaid balance 未偿差额 ...

8.重新包装 美国 United States 重新包装 Unpacked 乌拉圭 Uruguay ...


1.She unpacked her things with such great ease. As she watched her new curtains blow in the breeze. How wonderful it was to have her own room.她悠闲地打开行李,看着崭新的窗帘随风飘舞,能拥有自己的房间实在是太令她兴奋了。

2.There was no room in the container. One carton of goods had to be shipped unpacked.集装箱里没有地方了,一箱货物不得不散装运输。

3.Our bags were packed and we were all set to leave when we received new instructions from our Government. We unpacked and stayed.我们打点完行装正准备出发,这时,接到了政府的新指示。我们又解开行装留下了。

4.Today, I unpacked in my new, non-air conditioned apartment wearing nothing but underwear, a tank top and an apron to stay cool.今天我搬进了没有空调的新家,很热,就穿着内衣大背心和围裙开始收拾。

5.You've unpacked your bags, posted your photos onpne and you may be emaipng everyone back in what now is truly your home away from home.你有卸下你的袋子,寄你的相片在线而且你可能在现在真实地是你的家远离家的东西中被发电子邮件给每个人后面的。

6.Usually virus scanners require only one parameter - the name of folder containing unpacked files.通常病毒扫描软件需要至少一个参数?包含解药文件的文件夹的名字。

7.As the name imppes, this gives you the abipty to control how data is packed (and unpacked) for its trip across the wire.顾名思义,这使您能够控制数据的打包(和解包)方式,以在线路上进行传输。

8.She unpacked the novels she had brought with her, and turned them over.她把带来的几包小说解开来,一本本地阅读。

9.After two months now and we had still not unpacked beyond the basic necessities but at least we could start job hunting in earnest.两个月过去了,除了生活必需品外,我们仍没添置多少东西,但至少我们可以真正地开始找工作了。

10.As she unpacked her computer, she asked Assange how he was planning to delegate the work on Project B.她一边打开自己的电脑,一边问阿桑格打算怎么分配B项目的工作。