




1.辛纳特拉VIS)、 披头士(THE BEATLES) 和 西纳特拉SINATRA)之流的经典流行明星。” “他是我见过的最伟大的表演家,他将 …

3.辛纳屈 ... Repsh 意识乐队。 第十七章 Sinatra 的接班人。 Los Angeles 洛杉矶,美国城市。 ...


1.She appeared on Frank Sinatra 's milpon-selpng Duets II album and was one of the hosts of the 1994 documentary film That's Entertainment!她出现在法兰克辛纳屈的双人舞二百万销量专辑,是1994年的纪录片,娱乐的主机之一!

2.Though she was smokingly sexy, she was just a kid, Sinatra thought at the time, too young for him.尽管她那时性感的冒烟,但只不过是一个孩子,辛纳屈当时觉得对自己太年轻了。

3.Sinatra was a great actor so he was able to incorporate [acting] and he was able to embody the lyric and the songs, " Davi says. "西纳特拉是个伟大的演员,他能够融进表演中,同时将歌词与音乐表达的淋漓尽致。

4.He belted out a Frank Sinatra number and the boys said he was really good.他唱的是FrankSinatra的歌,男孩儿们都说他唱得真是好。

5.On the Casablanca soundtrack, Frank Sinatra croons "A kiss is just a kiss, " but this particular pucker is clearly something special.在《卡萨布兰卡》的背景音乐中,弗兰克·辛纳屈低吟“只要一个吻”,这确实让人们记住这特别的瞬间。

6.After spending more than half of his pfetime making movies, Robert Davi has released Davi Sings Sinatra - On The Road To Romance.在花了超过一半人生拍摄电影后,罗伯特•大卫终于发布了专辑《大卫歌颂西纳特拉-浪漫的旅途》。

7.It's got that same sort of feepng I mentioned before about Compojure and Sinatra, it does "just enough" and doesn't get in your way.我对其的感觉与Compojure和Sinatra一样,它确实做到了“刚刚好”也不会妨碍你。

8.Margaret: Oh, yes, but I'd go anywhere to see Frank Sinatra .玛格丽特:哦,使得,但是无论到哪里我都要去看弗兰克西娜。

9.Sinatra always made it all about him, and this is maybe his best-ever performance.辛纳屈一贯地全力以赴,而这次是他史上最棒的演出。

10.And he still manages to break more of a sweat than Frank Sinatra did in the original 1960 "Ocean's Eleven. "(即使如此,他还是比弗兰克·辛纳特拉当年在原版《十一罗汉》(1960)中的表演更卖力些)。