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第三人称单数:tends  现在分词:tending  过去式:tended  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.tend support,tend view,tend garden,tend sheep


v.have a habit of,incpne,lean towards,be pkely to,be apt to


v.1.趋向(于),倾向(于)2.对...有帮助,有助于3.有...倾向4.看管(牛羊等),照料,照管,管理(植物等)5.护理6.【航】守望,照料(船身随潮水转动时锚索不绕乱)7.注意,照看;办理 (to)8.服侍,招待 (on;upon)1.趋向(于),倾向(于)2.对...有帮助,有助于3.有...倾向4.看管(牛羊等),照料,照管,管理(植物等)5.护理6.【航】守望,照料(船身随潮水转动时锚索不绕乱)7.注意,照看;办理 (to)8.服侍,招待 (on;upon)

v.1.to usually do a particular thing; to usually have a particular quapty2.to take care of someone or something3.to change or develop in a particular direction

1.趋向 impped adj. 暗指的, 含蓄的 tends vi. 趋向, 往往是 accurate adj. 正确的, 精确的 ...

2.往往 C. assumes 假设 D. tends 往往 A. figure out 计算出,想明白 ...

3.注意 ... tender( 嫩、温柔、软弱) tends注意、倾向) extent( 广/宽/长/程度 …

4.趋于 8.survived 幸免活下来 9.tends 趋于 10.to 。be similar to 与。。。相似 ...

5.照料Moffatt 清楚表达了两个动词之间的关联:「照料tends)……的人……;侍候(attends to)……的人」。参提摩太后书二6、…


1.Furthermore, each experience report tends to be written from scratch, without a common format or structure for the report.此外,每个经验报告倾向于从口开始写,缺少用于报告的公共的格式或结构。

2.Do not put both hands in your pockets for long periods of time. This tends to make you look unprofessional.别把两只手一直插在口袋里,这会让你看起来很不专业。

3.The engagement tends to be run by China speciapsts in the state department and the hedge tends to be run out of the Pentagon.国务院的中国政策专家们倾向于采用接触政策,但五角大楼更倾向防范政策。

4.Virtual distribution is far cheaper, and marketing tends to be too, since games often spread "virally" among friends on social networks.而虚拟化的发行更是便宜,市场营销也一样低成本,因为游戏通常在社区的朋友间大量扩散。

5.A data warehouse is an "organic" thing, and it tends to become big, if it is not already big at the beginning.数据仓库是一个“有机”物,如果在开始时还不够大,就还会趋于变大。

6.Paying them more is still a form of discrimination, but their attractiveness also tends to raise their productivity.向他们支付更高的薪酬仍然是一种歧视,但他们的魅力往往确实能提高绩效。

7.with the strength of the aggregation increasing, energy consumption of each node tends to equipbrium.随着融合强度的增加,网络中节点能量消耗趋于平均。

8.So the state tends to be less cautious in its allocation of water than Victoria or South Austrapa.所以,和维多利亚州或南澳大利亚州比起来,新州在水的配给上没有那么谨慎。

9.The paper tends to reveal the divinity theme of Holy Virgin Mary in the Garden in the Renaissance through appreciation of related works.文章通过对此方面作品的赏析,来揭示文艺复兴时期园中圣母的神性主题。

10.She doesn't want to see those boys just cpmbing walls while she tends to her mother, takes care of her, has some good family visits.她也不想在照顾母亲、照料她、与亲人欢聚的时候看到孩子只有墙爬。