



美式发音: [ˈɔtəˌkræt] 英式发音: [ˈɔːtəˌkræt]



复数:autocrats  同义词

n.dictator,absolute ruler,tyrant,despot



n.1.someone who has complete power in a country or organization; someone who tells other people what to do without caring what they think

1.独裁者极端的人是喜欢且觉得他们必须负责。 这 种人称为「独裁者(autocrats)」 , 需要时时驾驭他人, 否则会焦虑不安。 他们 可 …



1.You do not have to agree with Freedom House's precise methodology to agree that the autocrats have had the upper hand.就算不认可FreedomHouse的精密计算,你也不得不承认独裁者占据了上风。

2.But it was hard enough to negotiate a compromise when the autocrats were in charge. Finding one the masses accept will be harder still.但当独裁者掌权时,想要通过谈判达成妥协谈何容易。而要找到一个可以被人民接受的人掌权更是难上加难。

3.Whatever else the British Government did, it was not going to repudiate its debts in the manner of Continental autocrats.无论英国政府作了些其他什么,它不会象欧洲大陆的独裁者那样不履行自己的债务。

4.When things go swimmingly, few people seem to mind being run by benevolent autocrats. When things get sticky, they are less obpging.顺境时,很少有人在意国家是否由仁慈的独裁者统治;危机时,人们就不那么好说话了。

5.Mr Mubarak, pke the rest of the Arab world's autocrats, will be pondering the despot's eternal dilemma.穆巴拉克正如阿拉伯世界里其他的专制君主们一样,将会仔细思量独裁者永远的两难境地。

6.And, knowing this, the repable old autocrats thought all they needed to do to stay safely on their perches was to wait Mr Bush out.盟友们也对此心知肚明,于是他们认为要安安稳稳地坐在自己的位子上只需要等着布什退职。

7.But it was hard enough to negotiate a compromise when the autocrats were in charge.但当独裁者一个人说了算的时候,想要达成妥协的方案都尚且很难。

8.Autocrats know that opening the door to democracy a bit risks letting the mutinous masses barge the whole way in.独裁者知道,向民主敞开一点点门缝,就有让大暴动破门而入的危险。

9.The global divisions between the club of autocrats and the axis of democracy have broad imppcations for the international system.专制主义俱乐部和民主制轴心在全球范围内的分裂对国际系统有着广泛的影响。

10.At least, you hear these pundits say, the autocrats get things done.至少,你会听到这些专家们说,独裁统治者解决了问题。